just starting with cpap machine and in second week … had basal mask which struggled with the seal so changed to face mask which I struggled more with… uncomfortable and seal leaking … can’t seem to settle apart from 2 ok nights. Still feeling so fatigued during the day. Added a humidifier but used 2 nights abs now taken off. I don’t want to be a complainer and just want to get this right. Thanks for reading … any advice much appreciated
hello this is my first post just diagnosed w... - Sleep Matters
hello this is my first post just diagnosed with sleep apnea

_ Hi, Myish
_ this a RLS sufferer since 7's and UARS (kind of sleep apnea, with flow restriction activating the nervous system and waking one up) sufferer since 17's, both condition well controlled since some 3 to years ago, after a long while of suffering and learning;
_ yes, I learnt these two conditions quite often go hand in hand, and would make no sense trying to treat RLS without ruled out any type of sleep disorder breathing, such as sleep apnea and/or UARS;
_ CPAP was magic for me; my rebirthing at 66's (actually, my machinery include a bilevel CPAP + tighted-tighted-tighted full face mask, with perfectly accepted leaking). It took me a great deal of studies to manage by myself the machinery. Like RLS, no chance on hands of MD's alone, unfortutnately;
_ Don't give up, please. Sleep apnea is a very serious and easy to treat thing; just have to have learn about (this forum help me a lot to start up; yet studying everything by yourself: apneaboard.com/forums/ );
all the best and good luck
Mysish, Please be patient with CPAP it takes time, think of it as your best friend and persevere, everyone struggles early on but it will ultimately be you life saver, good luck !
it is completely normal to have to try different types of masks to get the best one for you. For me I tried face mask first and later switched to nose pillow. It is very comfortable and I get much better rest from CPAP now.
I had a period struggling with leakage after receiving a new machine. Tried several masks (I am a nasal mask user) and nothing worked. I'd been doing so well for several years so couldn't understand why this had happened. It turns out that my machine settings were too high! I'm not sure how I discovered this (whether from this forum or trial and error). Anyhow, I went to You Tube and followed the instructions on how to change the settings. I have never looked back (a year ago I think).
Hope you can solve your problem.
great news that you worked out the pressures and it’s comfortable… I’m not sure if pressures … mine is 10 … until I go to the clinic for assessment … had another poor night last night x thanks for your reply
pressure if 10 isn't thathat high. How do you feel that made you unable to sleep with it on?
blowing out through mouth … uncomfortable on straps digging in my neck and when I loosened them off it was blowing the seal on my nose xx
that definitely sounds like a mask fitting problem. Try other types of mask and you should find one that works better.
Thankyou Lisa .. I will go back to the sleep clinic and ask to try another … I’m determined to crack this
_ Hi, Myish
_ as I said above, little chances on hands of clinic, MD's, instead of by yourself . It might suceed once you are very luck;
_ should you not have trouble with healph secure, etc, that what I would suggest: go to apneaboard forum, download the amazing OSCAR free software, take you card machine the morning and start analysing your data. OSCAR is an amazing app, very intuitive to work on... you will have lots of fun with it and learn everyhing you need on your sleep patterns, leaks, tidal volume, flow rate, how much you sleep or is awake, whether you respiring by mouth, nose, and so on..
_ and, of course, you will able to adjust, fine tuning, your pressure and other psrameters.
all the best and good luck