I have been anemic all my life ranging from slightly anemic to severally anemic where I've had blood transfusions. I've had endoscopy and colonoscopy they can't find any reason for me to have lost that much blood. I was going through my test results and found that I have anisocytosis, microcytes, and hypochromia. No doctor have ever addressed this or sent me to see a hematologist. Has anyone else experienced something like this? I've never been tested for sickle cell anemia but have an appointment next week.
Help. : I have been anemic all my life... - Sickle Cell Society

Hi Fajobi, I am sorry to hear about your experience. The best thing is to wait and see the haematologist so you know exactly what is going on. You will have a blood test to determine your normal hemoglobin and why type of genotype you have. I am sure you will get answers soon. Fingers crossed. Good luck and let us know how it goes.
So sorry to hear about your condition. I hope you get to know what causes your anaemic soon. I'm anaemic too. I have always been, I did some tests few years back and I found out I have sickle cell trait but the doctors said that shouldn't be the reason why my blood level is always dangerously low. I'm still trying to find out if I have some other conditions or it's really sct which causes these. Hope you share when you find the cause of your anaemic