I ve been just one week after diagnosis.
I do not know yet what is going to happen regarding the treatment, as I only know the grade, 2. The biopsy is not completed and I have not seen the oncologist yet.
i have a bout with endometriosis for about 20 years. It had been always thick and my ca125 raised to 900 at some point.
i have endometriosis and adometriosis . But it never been much of a problem for me. My periods were normal, regular and not too painful.
My gyno took a follow up approach and , not even a biopsy. When I was 55, he gave me, elagolix, stopped my periods with 2 years, never even had menopause symptoms. My ca 125 went down to 13-20, and estrogen went down. I officially became menopausal. Endometrium became thinner, 0.35.
i was on yearly surveillance with ultrasound in place. In 2022, there was a 6 mm polyp, that gyno decided to observe. 2023 I was diagnosed with PBC. When I went to see my gyno, he said that there was no change in polyp size based on US, and since I have PBC just diagnosed, he didnt want to do any procedure. 2024 October, 4 months before my US and appointment I noticed tiny discharge that I didn’t have before and 2 months after little blood. I was trying to get an earlier appointment, but I was told to wait till my appointment in January. Two weeks before my us and appointment I started really bleeding, for a day, and then drops only,
us found 22 mm polyp.
And what I found out that my gyno in 2023 missed my results( my polyp was 12 mm) as he looked at the old results. So my polyp grew 4 times in 2 years. What makes me sad that I was under surveillance and this was missed!!!!! And I was so busy fighting for my lliver that I did not verify since I trusted my gyno who was following me for 15 years.
Now I am very anxious how all this went, considering such a substantial growth with 2 years.
I apologize for such a long essay, I am happy I could share with others who are in the same situation.
Thank you