I am wondering if anyone has been on or knows anything aboutTamoxifen for Ovarian Cancer. If so, what are your outcome or thoughts on it. It has a lot of side effects.
Tamoxifen: I am wondering if anyone has... - SHARE Ovarian Can...

All Chemo drugs have many side effects unfortunately.
It wasn’t on tamoxifen. During my treatments I was on carboplaton and paxitaxal, after chemo I am on Letrozole, because my cancer was 80% estrogen fed.
Are you on Tomoxifen for Treatment or maintenance?
Best wishes to you on this speed bump in life.
Hi Jules
Do you know if tamoxifen is the same as taxol? Is paclitaxol the same as taxol.
I’m not sure about tomoxifen, but I believe paxitaxol is the same as taxol, I think I spelled that right.
Are you recently diagnosed? I’m sorry if that’s too intrusive, some people don’t like to talk about it.
They are not the same thing. Taxol is a chemotherapy that acts on rapidly growing cells. Tamoxifen is a hormonal therapy that breaks down in your body to form compounds that block estrogen from binding to estrogen receptors found in some types of cancer cells. It’s gotten the most press for its use in breast cancer, but it certainly has a role in treating some ovarian cancers. When I recurred that was the first treatment we tried, and while it didn’t work for me, there was another patient that had stable disease for more than 5 years while on tamoxifen. It is certainly a drug of consideration especially if your tumors are positive for estrogen receptors.
Took Tamoxifen for eight weeks, Markers still went up, my Consultant now moved me onto another Hormone Treatment. Lots of Hot Flushes, Night Sweats, Constipation, did not work for me. We are all different though I understand it works well for some.
I took arimidex (an aromitase inhibitor) as a maintenience drug after another ovarian cancer surgery and chemo. Arimidex works on blocking hormones and is similar to tamoxifen which is often prescribed more for breast cancer (my mom has been on it for 9 years with great success). I took arimidex about 8 months and it didn’t work for me (tumors grew), but it does work for many people. Daily side effects for me were mild compared to every other treatment I’ve ever had (over 10 years, 3 recurrences). Wishing you the best!
Hi all,
Thanks for the clarification, re tamoxifen vs taxol....I am 80% E positive too. Does anyone know why the doctors use letrozole rather than arimidex for oc? I understand that tamoxifen blocks E too, but used for breast cancer survivors.
What are Als? I know letrozole is given for ovarian c, and not sure if it's for premenopausal.
I'm on letrozole for maintenance. From what I have read it is for after menopause