What are the symptoms of ovarian cancer and where can I get tested for this in India?
How will I know if I have ovarian can... - SHARE Ovarian Can...
How will I know if I have ovarian cancer?

When you go to your female Dr for pap, ask for ca125 test. It's a marker. I was crazy tired and lost weight but stomach grew. Best wishes Liz
Thanks for the respose! Can you tell me about more symptoms?
No matter how much I slept I was physically exhausted. My menstrual cycle stopped. But I had clear cell ovarian cancer. A large 2 lb tumor. I've heard some people have heavier flow. When I laid down on ground flat on my back my right side of my stomach was larger. Hope this helps. Liz.
I think this answer will help me a lot! Btw how are you now?
I'm great cancer free 6 yrs.in April. Originally diagnosed stage 3c clear cell. I did intraperitenil chemo. I'm back to normal other than constipation. I take stuff for that. In the future let me know if I can help. Liz
I had alot of bloating around my stomach right before my menstrual cycle. My cramps also because more painful than usual. And my flow became heavier than usual. I just attributed it to getting older. These are symptoms that we usually get before or during menstruation. I found out I had OC when I got my tubes tied. The CA 125 blood test is a way to check . Hope that was helpful. Best wishes
Thanks for the response! Are you still suffering with OC or recovered?
I think I'm not facing any of these symptoms. Yes sometimes I also feel that my cramps are more painful than usual, but I'm not having any other symptoms. I will Keep in mind your words in future so that if there are any symptoms I can visit doctor asap.
Can you suggest me which treatment is better to treat OC? And may I know which treatment you were taking to cure OC?
I am currently in treatment for a reoccurence. I had surgery on December 9th to remove an ovarian mass and am waiting for my platelets and potassium to rise so I can take my next treatment.The treatment I receive is carboplatinum and placitaxel. I pray you don't ever have to deal with this chronic disease. All the best
Ovarian cancer is called the silent killer because it doesn't manifest symptoms until it is in advanced stages. Many of the symptoms are attributed to other things such as being overweight (if you are), out of shape, or menopause/pre-menopause. That was what I did. When I was diagnosed I was stage 3C (next stage level is 4). My symptoms that I attributed to my weight and being out of shape were being out of breath when I climbed only a few steps and I thought my fatigue was the same reason. Then about 1 week before I went to my GYN, I noticed that my stomach was quite large and it felt hard (not soft). I thought it was strange because I had lost a few pounds. I was also having a short period every 2 weeks. I had stopped for several months and then started again so I attributed that to menopause. It was the cancer.
My GYN couldn't perform my PAP smear because of an obstruction so she sent me for a CT scan with contrast. They found the cancer from the CT scan. Then they tested for CA125 and mine was in the 800s. Normal range is 0-30. Although CA125 is not a for sure diagnosis, it is an indicator of inflammation in the abdomen. From the time I was diagnosed until I had surgery to remove the cancer and do a full hysterectomy it was 2 weeks. I am very thankful my doctors were proactive and moved so quickly.
I pray you don't have this disease. Keep us posted if you do go to an GYN and what you learn. We are all here for you.
Ovarian cancer is tricky. So many subtle symptoms. I had a cyst on my ovary for 11 years. Stayed same size. Then started having sharp hip pains on that side. Did ultrasound and cyst had grown. Doctors still didn’t think cancer. Had entire cyst removed. Then discovered it was cancer. Listen to your instincts. If something seems off, get it checked out. I started with getting an unltrasound. Some get a CA125 blood test done. Good luck!
I feel like I am in the same frustrating emotions as you are. I am just worried Bc four days ago I had abdominal pain not pelvic but still ... and nausea . 10 years ago I had a fermions and cyst removed , no cancer. I can’t live thinking about why that happened. I had a baby a year ago and I just keep feeling my body. I don’t have bloating pain never came back it was after I ate so go figure what was the actual reason. Please let me know what happened with you.
Have you figured out why was there pain in abdominal? Are you ok now? If not get checked with your doctor, I hope it will be all ok.
Btw thanks for the concern! I've got it checked with my doctor last week and there is nothing serious and I'm feeling relieved now.
I didn’t check it out . I am trying to see if it comes back or see OBGYN soon. Let’s see what happens .
Oh I see! I'll recommend to get in touch with your doctor and seek consultation if you've a bad gut feeling. But if you're positive that there is nothing serious then it's good.
I feel I am just worrying too much but better than not being. I had a cyst and dermoid before 10 years so that’s why I am worried.
Actually I also had gone through the surgery for cyst removal 3 years ago, so I can understand your worries.
The thoughts of going through with all that shit again really scare me a lot.