Scared: Hi my name is Jennifer... I... - SHARE Ovarian Can...

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Jenniferinghram profile image
35 Replies

Hi my name is Jennifer... I recently had a hysterectomy and was diagnosed with stage 1 ovarian cancer .. they took it all but as precautionary I need chemo... I'm scared of chemo....please anyone that has gone through it give me some insider info experiences....

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Jenniferinghram profile image
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35 Replies
stage2 profile image

hi Jennifer, I was very scared too, but I did it, I completed 6 cycles, of chemotherapy, if you take medication the way its supposed to be taken then you will do fine, I was nauseous, metallic taste, brain fog. I never threw up!..

Jenniferinghram profile image
Jenniferinghram in reply to stage2

Thank you for the reply. I'm am nervous anxiety kickin in. Fear of the unknown. .I hate being sick... how long were your treatments? My dr is saying 3 days a week 1 day 8 hours then 2 short days of maybe an hour

stage2 profile image
stage2 in reply to Jenniferinghram

i took 6 chemotherapy, taxol//carbo every 3 weeks, because I was stage 2 with the hope of a cure, they also gave me 25 radiation on my pelvis and 25 on my colon. now that I remember the fatigue was the worst possible side effect. I also had a power port on my chest for easier iv infusion. just got it taken out yesterday.

stage2 profile image
stage2 in reply to stage2

also, with this chemotherapy you will lose your hair about 2 weeks after first treatment. shave it or cut it in stages, it hurts when you are losing the hair, but only a little. and I am talking emotionally and physically. at your stage you will most probably never recurred. blessings to you.

Jenniferinghram profile image
Jenniferinghram in reply to stage2

Blessings to you too.. you are sweetheart.. my hair is right below my chin in a bob style.. I have been looking at wigs... I just assume you don't need anything under the wig ...I've never worn one... I've always had a full head of 1980s hair as I say

stage2 profile image
stage2 in reply to Jenniferinghram

I had a wig I borrowed from the hospital, but I got headaches with it. so I used scarves and hats.

Jenniferinghram profile image
Jenniferinghram in reply to stage2

Well I hope all is well for you... they haven't talked to me about a port. Does it hurt?

Supernurse profile image
Supernurse in reply to Jenniferinghram

I am on my 3rd put of 6 rounds every 21 days carbo/taxol ....they just put in an iv when I port. you will lose hair I had LONG blonde hair....I donated mine...shaved it before it all came out. it is sore on your scalp because the hair folic less are affected by the underarms hurt too for the same reason....also no need to worry about the "swimsuit" area hair need for leg hairs don't seem to grow back either and I like this 😏 text me anytime if you want to talk

stage2 profile image
stage2 in reply to Supernurse

funny about the underarm, I had no pain there, but I keep waiting for my underarm hair to grow but nothing yet! I have hair everywhere else I even got a haircut but no underarm hair, bonus!!

Jenniferinghram profile image
Jenniferinghram in reply to stage2

Do you lose your eyebrows during chemo?

stage2 profile image
stage2 in reply to Jenniferinghram

pretty much all, I lost all my eyebrows, and lashes towards the end, but everyone is different my friend never lost eyebrows or lashes.

Supernurse profile image
Supernurse in reply to Jenniferinghram

I'm a week b4 my 4th round is to eye brows have really thine and some eyelashes are missing but still can use mascara . I heard after round 5 they all fall out. I just fill in my brows with a pencil

Jenniferinghram profile image
Jenniferinghram in reply to Supernurse

I ordered a wig last week so I'm ready are you feeling ???

Supernurse profile image
Supernurse in reply to Jenniferinghram

Are you my friend on OVARIANCANCER WOMAN on FB?

Jenniferinghram profile image
Jenniferinghram in reply to Supernurse

Yes indeed

Supernurse profile image
Supernurse in reply to Jenniferinghram

My treatments are every 21 days about 5 hours

DSK-C profile image
DSK-CSHARE Volunteer

Jennifer--it is normal to fear the unknown. Chemo us tough but doable. I had 6 cycles of IV/IP taxol and cisplatin every three weeks. Except for the first few days of each cycle I could get on with my life. I had a general feeling of malaise and incredible fatigue at times. Depending on which drugs you are taking you may lose your hair or it may thin. I walked 30-40 minutes every day. I also went for acupuncture and massages before and after every cycle. All to reduce symptoms. Be positive! You are very lucky to be Stage 1. Feel free to ask questions on this site.

Jenniferinghram profile image
Jenniferinghram in reply to DSK-C

Thank you so much... I've been a healthy person...I had thyroid cancer 12 years ago .but the word chemo just scares the heck out of me.. I'm glad I found this site... I've read stuff on Google and wanted to hide under a rock

Supernurse profile image
Supernurse in reply to Jenniferinghram


DSK-C profile image
DSK-CSHARE Volunteer

Advice easier given than followed but best not to read about OC on the internet. Remember what you are reading us old news not the latest research. Do you know which drugs you will be given. The doctors and nurses are excellent at providing you with pertinent info on the drugs and their side effects so that you will be prepared for them. There are excellent anti nausea meds today. Also, anti anxiety drugs. Ask your doctor about them.

You said you are in good health so you should do fine with chemo. Think of it as a blip in your life.

Jenniferinghram profile image
Jenniferinghram in reply to DSK-C

I'm trying .... I took it hard, I lost my mom a year ago from cancer so when I heard the word I freaked out..I don't know what meds he is doing yet...I go back in 3 weeks for my 6 week check up from the hysterectomy so I'll be in a better state of mind to ask him the questions I need answers for. You have been so helpful to me and I thank you

Supernurse profile image

I'm worried too....I have Endometriod subtype

(It's the epithelial kind)

Jenniferinghram profile image
Jenniferinghram in reply to Supernurse

What is that ? I don't know all the terminology yet

Nicky100 profile image

Hi Jennifer, I have just seen your post so you may have started chemo by now? If you have, how are you feeling?

I am so sorry to hear you are so scared. We all get it here on this forum and I hope that you can use us for support or advice.

I was terrified a year ago too, but what I can say is that as soon as you 'get started' some of the fear of the unknown goes away and you will hopefully be able to get into a rhythm of the cycles and the days that you feel good in between. The weeks will pass by and just rest when you need to and do not try to do too much.

My best advice is to try and pencil in nice things to do on your better days and put these in your diary. They will give you a focus, will be a treat when you get there, and a nice memory while you are going through the chemo.

I am sending you love xxx

Jenniferinghram profile image
Jenniferinghram in reply to Nicky100

Hi thank you... I actually start chemo monday... I go tomorrow for a chemomport.. I'm still scared but that is great advice indeed.. I will be doing 6 rounds of chemo so I'll be finishing up in may... I hope time goes fast .. I plan on resting and hopefully can put this chapter of my life behind me.. thank you for reaching out to me :)

Nicky100 profile image
Nicky100 in reply to Jenniferinghram

Oh am so sorry you are feeling like this, this disease is utterly awful but you will get through it I promise. You will probably feel pretty good the day or two after your first infusion as you will be rammed full of steroids. These are 2 days that I also found I could do stuff! Go shopping, go for nice walks, visit friends. I even managed a big dinner party and weekend away the day after my first chemo! I was really surprised, but don't overdo it as your body will still be suffering despite the drugs. So make the most of these moments is my advice and then rest the times you feel you need to rest.

Ask the nurses any questions that you have and another thing that helped me was talking to other people in the chairs next to you! I know it sounds silly advice but I found everyone sitting in silence and scared and when I opened and starting talking to people it made a huge difference and was an icebreaker! You may even meet some nice friends from it. I met some great people and spoke to them each time ai went and it is so, so reassuring to talk to people in the same boat as you.

Make sure you also drink masses of water!! This will flush all the horrid stuff out of your system as soon as possible.

Are you working or having some time off? Have they told you which chemo you will be having too?


Jenniferinghram profile image
Jenniferinghram in reply to Nicky100

I am working from home for now so I'm thankful... I'll be taking Carbo and Taxol for my chemo... I'm a social person so I hope someone is chatty like me.. I agree it eases the tension and scared feelings... my oncologist feels I will do ok because of my age so I'm hoping she's right

Nicky100 profile image
Nicky100 in reply to Jenniferinghram

How old are you Jennifer? It sounds like you have positive news all round...that is great..x

Jenniferinghram profile image
Jenniferinghram in reply to Nicky100

I am 50 years old.. I am hoping it's good... good it was caught early.. just anxiety and nerves get the best of me.. I lost my mom to cancer less than 2 years ago so when I heard cancer it freaked me out

Nicky100 profile image
Nicky100 in reply to Jenniferinghram

I understand that. I lost my mum too. But know this...we are all different...and our paths different...and at stage 1, you could not have a better chance to get better. Your chances of getting well are excellent...

Jenniferinghram profile image
Jenniferinghram in reply to Nicky100

I pray for it and anyo e battling a cancer disease

Aire profile image

Hi Jennifer,

I can understand that you are scared. Has your Doctor or staff briefed you as to what to expect. If not they should have. Ask all the questions you have. The more informed you are the less frightened you will be. You might get sick, but ask if there is a drug they can give you with the chemo to prevent this. Ask what all the side effects are. Sending you prayers and good wishes for peace during your treatments.

mamamac1919 profile image

Hi Jennifer, it's scary, hearing the word cancer. But, you should be fine at stage 1. I also do the taxol/carboplatin treatment, once every 3 wks. In fact, next week I have my 3rd treatment. This past treatment I was feeling pretty good, just a little tired. Do drink plenty of fluids and keep moving, keepso from being fatigue. People ask about my port, I hardly know it's there. I went to a barber shop to get my buzz cut,what better place to go. I also had shoulder length hair. I couldn't stand the fact that it'll come out in clumps. This nice lady with 3 boys waiting ,heard me talking to this lady barber and paid for my buzz. So,there are wonderful people in this world and we are here to support each other.

Lizchips profile image

Its not too big of a deal, I was nervous of the unknown, it's nothing like movies , things have really changed for the better. Most people don't get sick, drink plenty of fluids and I ate during chemo still lost 30 lbs, wish I would have kept weight wishes , bring an iPad, with you. ❤❤Liz

Tabor profile image

Hi Jennifer,

I’m new to the group and been reading lots of post. I seen your post from 3years ago not knowing if you are still on here and I wanted to check how you are doing?

Praying all is well


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