Just an FYI.
I received first doses of Fulvestrant. Walking out of the chemo pod my right knee buckled…odd, I felt that I must have overdone working outdoors earlier that day. Flu-like symptoms that evening and within 24 hours I was unable to walk without assistance. My legs simply would not move. I contacted my oncologist, called my pharmacist to no avail. I called the pharmaceutical company that manufactures the drug. They are aware of this reaction, drug induced myopathy, a “severe” reaction listed as tingling, numbness or weakness in legs. So please be aware. Symptoms have resolved except for leg muscle pain. This drug has a 40-50 day half-life to excretion so there’s that to consider. Hopefully, I’m the only mouse in the lab that fell over but any knowledge can be helpful so just putting it out there. Keep on moving on my friends! 👍💕