We live about 2 hours from Duke. How would one go about getting in somewhere like that for a second opinion? Does insurance cover these appts? I’m sorry if this sounds dumb I’m just clueless . We like our moms oncologist. My mom is on her 3rd line treatment of Xeloda and we don’t know yet how it’s working . Just starting 4 round and scans end of Feb. She’s feeling good. I just think a second opinion is always good! Any advice or tips are Welcomed! Thank you ladies so much. You all have been a wealth of info and tips this past 6 months since I joined the group to help navigate for my mother. In some ways your experience has been more valuable than the doctors ❤️ God bless each of you🙏❤️
how to get in for 2nd opinion? - SHARE Metastatic ...
how to get in for 2nd opinion?

You just need to call them up and say she's seeking a second opinion. You might want to ask to have the appointment align for when you will have the next scan results back, seeing as she only recently started the Xeloda. Duke will be able to confirm insurance coverage, check which tier of the insuraance plan they would be billed under
Thank you so much!!
I'd call and discuss it with them. They might prefer to see her sooner with what she has so far, and then once the Feb scans are done they can be forwarded to them for review. They will advise. NOTE! You will probably need to get the scan images on a disc for them to review by hteor own radiologist. I doubt they'll be happy to only go by the reports. Something else to look into. And your oncologist's office should be happy to help you get this together for a second opinion
I believe Duke will want to do their own scans, but they will want old scans to compare . Good luck. Duke has an excellent reputation. Your Mom will be in good hands. Blessings, Hannah
Is your mother on Medicare? They will cover a 2nd opinion for mbc. I went to MSK, The only hitch was getting my extensive medical records sent over. It was done by a 3rd party org. I had to sign releases. MSK did not run their own tests. Just used the ones I had.
I asked my oncologist if she consults with anyone at a major teaching or research hospital. She does and sent a referral and my records for that Dr. to review. We had a long, one hour zoom appointment. She agreed with my current line of treatment and made recommendations for the next possible two options. She also scheduled a follow up appointment for two months later. The cost is covered under my insurance, although they are out of network, so I pay more for the visit.