Hi, I had 5 radiotherapy sessions with cyberknife on the C3 about 2 weeks ago. I noticed after the 1st session that the pain on the right side of my neck got more and more intense, from my neck down through my right shoulder. On day 4 I didn’t think I could make the last session, but I was pressured into finishing - I finished the last session and was told there would be some inflammation for a bit.
It’s been 2 weeks and the pain keeps getting more intense. For the last few days, all I do is sleep. I’ve had radiation before, but never had this reaction. It’s to the point where the only time I get a small bit of relief is when lying down.
I don’t like to take pain killers (especially opioids, they make me feel bad) but I don’t know what to do. Does anyone have any input or helpful suggestions on what worked for you?
I have a pretty high tolerance for pain but it feels like this pain and aching will never go away!