how long do I wait to see if Anastrozole is going to help? I started exactly one month ago and the first couple weeks there was a lot less swelling but the last week I have a lot more pain around my shoulder near the tumor and my scapula area. The whole area is really tight and I now hav3 even less range of motion. And then last night I noticed a new little …. I don’t know what to call it, spot above the tumor, under the skin. Similar to other spots around the tumor. Does this mean Anastrozole isn’t going to work? Or do I give it more time?
I was so hopeful the first two weeks because the swelling went down a lot and the tumor even seemed slightly smaller but now it’s pushed out again and causing problems in the surrounding area. I don’t want to wait too long to go to the next option but I only got my last scans April 6th .