Sternum metastases.: Hei ladies!Im from... - SHARE Metastatic ...

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Sternum metastases.

Sirtsu profile image
13 Replies

Hei ladies!Im from Estonia.

In April my CT showed ca 2,5 cm metastasis in my sternum peak. I was in Ibrance and letrozol almost 3 years, my small size two mediastinal lymph nodes persisted stable, last scan showed that one even decreased 1 cm!!!!

Now my onc started with Faslodex , but Ibrance????My old good Ibrance? It worked so well. Faslodex causes gastric pain, its usual?

They will begin next week radiation to my sternum place 5 times. I dont know how it work, Im confused and scared. And I have pain in my chestwall. My heart is broken.😥

Does anyone have metastases in sternum and how you manage?


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Sirtsu profile image
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13 Replies
Mermaiden profile image

Hello Sirtsu. I’m so sorry, you have a sternum metastasis in spite of Ibrance and Letrozole treatment. I had a sternum metastasis 5 years ago after my original breast cancer some 22 years earlier. I had a lot of chest pain for many months that was continually misdiagnosed, and because I had been cancer free for so long I was not on a regular routine of pet scans. The radiation is painless though my skin at that location got a little bit burned, but that cleared up within a month after radiation.

Of course I was freaked out that a bone metastasis put me into stage four, but I did read somewhere that the sternum location, so close to the breast, is the least worrisome bone metastasis and perhaps should be considered stage 3 not 4. I haven’t come across that article in a very long time, but I know my oncologist felt the same.

I share this to offer you some hope, and while a change in treatment is probably called for, hopefully it won’t be too difficult and will successfully keep you in remission for a good long time! Sending love and support to you!

Nocillo profile image

So sorry to hear this. I was originally diagnosed with metastasis to all of my bones in 2015. I was on Anastrozole and Fulvestrant for almost 6 years. They worked so well together! I did not have an upset stomach with Fulvestrant. I also have lobular as well as ductal and the lobular moved to my stomach lining in 2021. Now I’m on Ibrance and Tamoxifen. You should have many options available to you. I’ve never had radiation, so I cannot tell you what to expect there. I wish you well and hopefully your new treatments work for a long time!

visitingnurse profile image

Hi I to had a reoccurence under the sternum (after bi-lateral mastectomies). I had the mass removed and had 6 weeks of radiation. (not bad at all). I have had breast cancer since 1990. So I am really one of the lucky ones!. Keep praying, God is wonderful!! and I will say a pray for you. think positive!!!

love2golfwell profile image

I am so sorry you are going through this. I have not had mets to the sternum but did have them to two other places and did have radiation to them. There were 5 treatments each and lasted about 10-15 minutes each. They were very targeted treatments and did not cause me any pain or other issues and they resulted in the mets being destroyed. I had a wonderful radiation oncologist who worked with a team to ensure they were getting the exact right spot. I hope you will have a good experience, too. I'm sorry you had to change from Ibrance. I am on that as well and have had good success with minimal side effects. I hope the Faslodex side effects are temporary and that this med will work for a long time for you. Sending hugs.

minnie767 profile image

I too am sorry to hear you have to go through this. I have similar Mets - after 9 years I found a swollen nodule on the inner part of my left breast, same side as my original cancer. I had a needle biopsy that showed that cancer was back. Bone scan showed full sternum and proximal ribs involved. I did have a lot of chest discomfort, but I can’t say it was terribly painful. Anyway, many referrals later, one who disabused me of my thought it could be cut out and replaced with a new one….I know, maybe a bit out there, but I wanted it gone….I saw oncologist who put me on Letrozole, immediately, Ibrance, and began Zometa infusions. I had an appointment that first day with a radiation oncologist, but the MO suggested that it was not needed unless/until the pain got bad. In his opinion, the focus is on getting cancer stability because there is no way to get rid of what is already there. Made sense to me I guess. So, after a month of the two drugs, the initial nodule had shrunk, and all quarterly scans show stable disease. The pain/discomfort in my chest slowly abated. And, this has been my treatment plan for almost two years now. Not sure that helps you much. But, know that you are not alone. I think you should only proceed with plant/treatment with clear understanding of why and the expected or likely outcome. That helps with my fear anyway. Peace and love.

Aquadog profile image

Hi Sirius. My MBC was discovered because of pain in my chest - it hurt to cough, laugh, or sneeze! My family doctor thought it was something else entirely so went undiagnosed for months. It was finally discovered after an xray. The first thing they did was zap it with radiation (10 treatments) and it took the pain away completely. I’ve been on Ibrance and letrozole for over six years and doing fine. I believe the radiation will help you a great deal. Sending hugs.


Misha2019 profile image

I’m sorry you are going through this. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2014. It was aggressive and I was in and out if the hospital with neutropenia. In February of 2016, the doctors found a small amount of cancer on the sternum and were following it. I think I switched from Tamoxifen to Ibrance at that time. It was very aggressive again and I had emergency surgery to remove the sternum. I had asked about it a couple of times because I wanted it out and it was the only option.

I continued on with Ibrance until about 2020. I had low white blood counts so there was also concerns about Covid. I’m still taking Letrezole and get Lupron injections. I am grateful that I was able to have the operation and the scans have looked good since then.

If you have any questions about this, I would be glad to try to help and could contact my surgeon. Sending love and positive thoughts.

TammyCross profile image

I didn't have progression to sternum, but on diagnosis with mbc, I had a huge mediastinal tumor that really hurt. The fulvestrant knocked it out in 5 days! I wasn't able to walk down the hall to the bathroom when I got the injections. By Friday of that week, I could run up hill. Totally gone and has not returned (although I do have things in that area).

So go for it! I only had a little fatigue from fulvestrant. I was as attached to it as you are to Ibrance (which I also liked).

Be sure the fulvestrant injections are administered correctly: the syringes should be warmed a little, injection should be slow (1 minute each) and given on the back of hip, not buttocks.

NPmary profile image

I have mets in my sternum and ribs and spine and hips also arthitis so quite a bit of pain with weather changes. 5.5 years ago l had palliative radiation. Ask the docs what your radiation is supposed to do for you, what side effects are and then decide if you want it. You will be fine living with this. Let us know how youre doing. When will you get your first faslodex? I got many tips about that med here.

sancarlos profile image

Hi Sirtsu,

In 1996 my BC metastasized in my sternum. I went through radiation treatment and started on Femara. The radiation took away the pain almost immediately.

In 2018 I had a reoccurrence in numerous bones in my body. This was probably due to the fact that I went off Femara so I could go sailing for 6 years!!

Good luck ❤️

mary4470 profile image

hey. I’ve been getting the fulvestron injections for around 2 years once a month, along with abemaciclib daily. I originally went through a course of IV chemo. I’ve been very lucky with side effects and my tumors have remained negligible. Good luck with your treatment.

Timtam56 profile image

Sirtsu. I don’t have any experience of movement to my sternum. I’m sorry though that you are going through the dry thing I’m so afraid of hearing. That my cancer may no longer be stable and might be on the move.

At present, mine (in my spine, ribs, hips and skull) is still stable and I’m thankful. But I don’t know how I would be if it were not. I’ve been on Ibrance and Letrozole/Anastrozole for 5 years now. It was my 5 year metaversary diagnosis on 3rd of march.

Of course you are afraid and worried. You can’t stop those feelings.

Please keep us all up to date here. It’s a lovely place we all have to vent, talk of our fears, and get help from each other.


From Mlebourne Australia.

Sirtsu profile image

So, its done - 5x20 Gy radiation sessions to my sternum. It was easy, no side effects at all . Waiting for results now -painfree life, better feeling. As known its take time- maybe 2 weeks, maybe month, maybe more. I hope it works.

Today radiologist took a biopsy of the sternum metastasis to make the right treatment decisions in future.

And in Friday scletal scintigrafy take place- are there still metastases somewhere in the bones.

Side effects from Faslodex ,they passed.

Thank you nice Ladies for support, its so important for me! Thank and big hugs!

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