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Support Anxious about my Mother

janeths466 profile image
9 Replies

Hello everyone,

Just wanted to vent a bit because I have been very anxious these days. My mother has been in dyalisis for 9 years now, and battled a lung and breast canceroid that were removed. The lung tumor was gone in 2019 and we almost lost her. In 2020 the breast cancer was found and removed as well, no spread to lymph nodes so she is on tamoxifen and had radiation back then. The tamoxifen has many side effects that we cannot tell if its dyalisis or something else. She has not had appetite but that's not new with her treatment.

RECENTLY. Her lymph node has swelled a lot and it hurts. Her pet scans have been clear since 2019, but I am still a bit scared. She said this happens often and then it goes away, and believes it is due to her tooth being infected. However, I am really scared because it pops up randomly and these days she seems to be a bit upset about this lymph node. I am really scared and anxious that it could be something else and I cannot stop crying. I know I shouldn't jump to conclusions but it's hard. If someone has any advice to keep going while we book an appointment please help. I fear hospitals and she expressed her fear of it last week as well.

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janeths466 profile image
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9 Replies
OneLump22 profile image

The only thing I know to say is that fear is your worst enemy. Don't let it destroy you / your family. I made a list of the things making my life miserable & then picked out the stuff I could handle myself, asked my folks for some help with a few things I couldn't (they're elderly with their own expenses & living on a fixed income SSI), & then I force myself to not even think about the stuff I have no power over. I know it's not popular to say, but I tell God that stuff is in His hands now cause I can't handle it, so I'm not even gonna think about it. I eat, sleep a lot, yak with you guys & gals keeps me pretty busy, & YT has been a godsend. I can recommend some channels that'll keep you laughing / at least distracted. I'm trying to take care of a friend who has end stage emphasima & is housebound on oxygen & hospice care. He's worse off than I am (I'm on SSDI only & that only takes care of a few things). That's trying enough. They don't come on holidays & weekends & some of those days I'm not up to checking on him, but I gotta.

SabaAK profile image

Hi Janeth. It could be infected tooth. I’ve seen couple of people with the same situation,infected tooth and swollen lymph nodes and pain actually is a good sign as well. That’s what I looked up “Cavities, dental work, or a mouth injury can lead to an infection in your tooth. This can cause swelling in the lymph nodes under your jaw or in your neck” . Try to overcome your negative thoughts. Keep telling yourself that there is nothing serious and doctor will fix that,and I do believe that your mom will be fine🙏❤️


OneLump22 profile image
OneLump22 in reply to SabaAK

You had better to say than I did. I'm with you.

Ursula_I profile image

hello Janet

I am sorry about what your Mum is going through, she has a lot to deal with, how wonderful she has you to support her.

It's not surprising you are anxious but you are doing the right thing asking the doctors about it and I hope that appointment comes through soon. I have a lump in a lymph node in my neck (above the clavicle) which definitely is cancer-related, it is hard and it doesn't hurt at all. So maybe as your mum's is different, it is to do with the tooth. Can your mum be prescribed more/different painkillers while it is investigated?

All the very best to you and your mum. Try not to worry!

8576 profile image

Sorry to hear about your worries and your Mom's conditon. She is fortunate to have yu for support. Having said that, you cannot support her when you are so worried. It will show. Your fear of hospitals is unwarranted. They really do help and I am glad we have them to fix us up when we are in trouble.

Your worry is unwarranted. Pain is good because it alerts us to a problem we can usually fix.

So put your worries aside and start a plan to get to the bottom of this new pain. I know it is easier said than done but you can do this.

Cheers, June S.

mariootsi profile image
mariootsi in reply to 8576

Well said June!

ba5083 profile image

From my conversation with having a neighbor that is an Onc nurse, the overwhelming majority of painful lymph nodes is due to an infection and are not cancer. Having said that swollen lymph nodes that are not painful are typically cancer. Hopefully you will get some resolution soon. The worry of not knowing, many times is the most difficult. My recommendation until you have a diagnosis it so stay away from Dr Google.

janeths466 profile image

Hello everyone, thank you so much for the replies they are so reassuring and make me feel a bit calmer since I know I cannot control some things in my life. She is currently getting some tests and scans done right now at the clinic since the pain was bad and she couldn't swallow. I hope she gets results by tonight, but glad she went to get checked. I shall update y'all soon. Thank you <3

OneLump22 profile image
OneLump22 in reply to janeths466

do please keep is in the loop. We're all here for you.🫂

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