Getting ready to start Ibrance and Letrozole and wondering if it is best to take these together and if so what time most people take them at?
I was diagnosed with Metastatic Breas... - SHARE Metastatic ...
I was diagnosed with Metastatic Breast Cancer also in the lymph nodes and bones.

If you get lbrance tablets not capsules (and you probably will) you can take both meds at the same time preferably the same time every day within a 3 hour window. This is advice the specialty pharmacist gave me. You can take these meds without regard to food intake ( not the case with capsules - ask the pharmacist for advice on the off chance you have capsules - l can't remember l have been taking tablets for quite a while.Sorry you had to find us but glad you did.🌺❤🌺
Thank you so much for sharing! I really appreciate it❤️
Hello- I take Ibrance tablets and Letrozole also -I do not take both pills at the same time, not that I was told not too, I just never did. I take them about 30 minutes to an hour apart each day. My specialty pharmacy told me to take the Ibrance around the same time each day within an hour window. Blessings!
Hi,I take both together after breakfast with lots of water and I also take a calcium/D tablet that the oncologist prescribed at the same time....but I have bone mets and the supplements are to help with bone strength.
I have been taking Ibrance in capsule form from the start....on 9th pack now.
Best wishes to you.
Zoe xxx
I see you also have bone mets...initially when I started this type of therapy (I took Kisqali for 3mnths) I was not prescribed the calcium sup. Think the oncologist wanted to keep system load as low as possible. Once she was happy that I was not reacting to the Kisqali had effected my liver enzymes....she later added the calcium sups.We seem to have similar meds, mets and age...I'll follow you if you don't mind?
Hi Discocat! Thank you so much for sharing. The info really helps for those of us that are really new to this.
Welcome on board!Sorry that your new to all this!!
Not sure if you’ve been already warned….avoid ,completely, all grapefruit products and pomegranate as they amplify the amount of Ibrance in our systems and can therefore increase the likelihood of a negative reaction to the meds.
Hi I also have bones and lymph nodes and not as many ladies have that combo so do you mind if I follow you too. Good luck! I did well on Ibrance and had no problems with the side effects. But markers went up and so I was switched to Verzenio… and during the switch my neck lymph node grew a lot so I nearly got it radiated and then the new drug kicked in and shrink down to smaller. So appears the switch was good. First ride on trh roller coaster!
Hi Betty,
I also have some lymph nodes affected in the armpit area close to the primary breast tumour on my left side. I was never really told about the lymph nodes….they weren’t on any reports that always focused on the bone mets. One time while the oncologist was recapping my case by reading her notes out aloud while I was in her office she just casually mentioned them!
This freaked me out at the time as I thought they were some sort of progression….but apparently that’s a really common way for the metastasis to start, and I think most people with MBC have localised lymph node spread close to their primary tumour.
Best wishes
Zoe xx
hi Zoe. I didn't have lymph node spread close to my primary tumor (Right breast). however, after 4 years in, I developed mets to twelve supraclavicular (above collarbone) lymph nodes in Left side of my actually opposite side of primary tumor. they are easily felt through my skin and visible to the eye. and in my case....since they didn't pop up for 4's considered 'progression'. previous to lymph node involvement, I was 'bone only' mets. my oncologist decided to just monitor for now. not sure I am good with this approach?my original onc just retired (she really needed to....very burnt out) so I will be very interested to get my new oncologist's 'take' on these affected lymph nodes? when I finally meet with her of course🙄. technically, I have no oncologist at the moment. they have not yet assigned me a new onc although I did make a specific request. they are busy and overbooked. I guess business is booming at my cancer center😠.
best wishes......
carole xo
I had similar diagnosis. I take both together in the morning after breakfast. I was advised to take them with food to avoid stomach problems. I don't eat a lot in the evenings so breakfast seemed a good time. I take a daily probiotic supplement and often have a small amount of kefir. I've been fine with this regime.
On the odd time I've forgotten, I take them as soon as I remember, and then step it back gradually. I've come to no harm!
Good luck. Carolyn
Good luck! Carolyn
Get genomic testing. I crowdfunded for it and then my insurance ended up paying (so I have a desperation oncology fund!) But I found out this: I'm immune, genomically or genetically, to Letrozole. Ibrance and Faslodex work. But those tests are really expensive, and Letrozole does work on many people. There's a bit of a crapshoot in the cancer therapy business; doctors have to go by percentages so they're not going to say, "Hey, take this test that costs 5000 euro." But you go and do it! You'll also know your profile, know which genes are wonky, if you ever need to go on a clinical trial.
Hello, I started on Verzenio but switched due to diarrhea. I’ve just completed my first round of Ibrance and I also take Letrozole. I have had some slight fingers and feet neuropathy with this round, maybe a quirk….not sure yet since I had previously been on Verzenio. Anyway, I have my watch alarm set at 9:00 am for the Ibrance and usually take the Letrozole a little before that, while I’m getting ready in the a.m. I believe the Ibrance instructions say to take with food, but I have not noticed any adverse effects when I don’t take with food. This is a journey and you are in charge…pay close attention to what your body is telling you. Best wishes!
I took both in the evening, firstly I did not want to experience too many side effects during the day whilst awake - that was my rational. Secondly, my head is like a sieve if I didn’t take both at the same time I would forget! That worked for me, but as others have said you can take when it suits you - it’s just personal preference. BTW I still experienced side effects - BUT I could still carry on with my day.
Drink water, drink water, drink water…..very, very important with treatment. My body did not know what hit it during my 1st cycle, but it got better after dose reduction.
All the best, tc
I took both every night before bed, so I wouldn't forget and if I had any initial side effects I would be sleeping...fatigue muscle aches and some hair thinning .I took it for 2 years..
I'm so sorry for your diagnosis but hope you will do well on this combination. I have been on these two meds since November of 2020 and have had good scans. I take both of them together at dinner time usually around 6 p.m. either before or after I eat. I have the tablets so it does not matter if you take them with food. When I first started I experienced some nausea but it went away within about a week. It was recommended to use Ginger Chews which I bought on Amazon and those really helped. Also peppermint tea can help. You may experience some hair thinning, this is a normal side effect as the meds stop rapid cell growth which includes hair and nails. I have not had any other side effects and feel they are working for me. Best wishes to you. Sending you some hugs and positive thoughts.
I have been on this combo almost 4 yrs. I take Letrozole and my other supplements in the morning after breakfast. Letrozole can affect sleep so this works for me. I take Ibrance in the evening after dinner. You don't have to take the tablets with food but I found that sometimes I still get some mild nausea if I don't take with food. The side effects should subside after the first few months.
I do the same: letrozole in the morning and Ibrance late evening. I found Ibrance made me drowsy so better to take it then. I was advised to not have on empty stomach so I usually have a banana or some biscuits (cookies) just before.
I'm also on calcium/vit D supplements and take turmeric to help with aches and pains. I take on dose with breakfast (alongside letrozole) and the other dose with dinner so that the doses are approx 12 hours apart.
The key thing with the ibrance timing is to ensure that you take them approx the same time every day to prevent overdose. For letrozole they say the same time every day to make sure you remember to take it - as with the contraceptive pill if you ever took that.
Hi, I take mine together at 6PM.
I have always take my meds at night to lessen side effects. They make me sleepy too.
My oncologist told me to take them together before bed because that way you sleep through some of the side effects. Hope it works well for you. Theresa
Just so you know that Letrozole will cause osteoporosis in the future. I have been on letrozole for years and now I have osteopeniaMimi.
Sorry to hear that you now have osteoporosis Mimi.Have you been given the option of having Zometa I.V. infusions monthly? These are usually recommended as a treatment for osteoporosis and also to those of us with bone mets. I been having them from the start of my treatment and CT scans taken in February show an improvement in my bone density. I’ve had no negative side effects from this treatment except one bout of diarrhoea the day after the first dose.
Hi Been on same 100mg ibrance 25 letrozole
6 months
I take both at 9am morning...with 2 500 mg vitamin C.
I found a night l could not sleep
I was told by my Doctor both at same time
Smiles n Hugs
Hi There, I take them together. Nausea disappear completely after I started taking them after eating breakfast or lunch or just a glass of orange juice. It is a good combo, I was NED just 5 months after starting treatment (meds plus a few rounds of radiation for bone lesions). I was tired the first two months and now (7.5 months) I have no side effects. So be kind to your body until you get use to the meds. Good luck!🍀
I take it IBRANCE and letrozole and I get a xcheva shot once a month. I take mine together at 6 pm either right before or after dinner. No issues at all only low WBC hair loss