I’ve heard that you should not drink alcohol at all. Is this true? I know someone through a friend who drinks all the time with treatment?!
Alcohol and Ibrance/Letrozole - SHARE Metastatic ...
Alcohol and Ibrance/Letrozole

Thanks Sandra. Jane
Same here. As the old saying goes "All things in moderation." I enjoy red wine in winter and white wine in summer. I do not overdo it. I exercise, add vegetables to our diets. Like Sandra's doctor, my oncologist encourages me to be careful but to live my life too.
And the same here. I don't drink loads but enough to join in with social occasions or simply to make Saturday night dinner feel like it! Over the Christmas and New Years period I've drunk a bit more often but tried to avoid consecutive days to give my liver a break 🙃
I love your definition of cancer as an equal opportunity invader. It seems to me that getting cancer opens up the pandora's box of guilt for so many people.
There are different opinions on this. I personally wish we could drink away to our hearts content, tho I don't think that is the case; moderation seems to be the key. If I understand things correctly, alcohol tends to feed cancer, because of it's sugar content. Some types of alcohol have less sugar of course. Anyway, welcome and I look forward to hearing how you are doing. Sending virtual hugs and prayers.
Hi Susie. I agree I still like the taste and feeling from alcohol. I am considering slowing down. It’s the only vies I have I eat well and do moderate exercise do I have to give everything up ?? Jane
I gave up alcohol when I went on Ibrance 125 a year ago due to it just didn’t seem to taste the same. I just did not fancy it. I tried it a couple of times since at celebrations for example a glass of champagne when I did my wedding vows but I’ve found I just don’t enjoy it like I did, seems my taste buds have changed but if I really fancied a glass I would have no hesitation in having one, why deprive yourself.Debra xxx 😍
I've stubbornly continued drinking wine and it just doesn't do anything for me anymore. Hubby and I are starting the new year by cutting back with goal of once a week. I agree not to cut out what you love but this is a personal choice and part of everyone's individual journey.
I'm a very moderate drinker - 1-3 a month, usually a glass of wine. My onc said that was fine. I asked her about the "sugar feeds the cancer" thing, and she doesn't buy it. Just eat a healthy diet with limited processed foods (which everyone should do anyway) and you'll be fine.
My nurse said, enjoy what you fancy! So over Christmas I've had a few glasses of wine and even a wee dram for the new year as I spent it in Scotland. I think the advice is about being sensible and healthy but a few little treats can't hurt! X
Ah yes, so many times as I look around the waiting room at all races, shapes and sizes. Disease is the great leveler.
Hi! One should minimize alcohol consumption as it affects blood sugar…cancer loves sugar. But a friend who is an MD/PhD who worked on Ibrance told me that there’s no reason I shouldn’t have a glass of red wine. (My drink of choice.)
My first oncologist, Hope Rugo one of the leading researchers at UCSF, was pretty dismissive of any diet- cancer links, including sugar... BUT she said adamantly that wine/alcohol was a no no for estrogen driven cancers because it can impact estrogen. I have said this on here before, but never used her name.
My current oncologist, who is somewhat more integrative in his approach (although pretty much by the book when it comes down to it) and has a functional nutritionist on staff, also said no to alcohol (And isn't keen on dairy either, for what it's worth, again due to hormone related issues).
He and my nutritionist also say to avoid added sugars and processed food as sugar fuels inflammation, which in turn can drive cancer. My glucose levels run pretty low naturally, and my inflammation markers tend to be good, so I allow myself the occasional cookie or dessert, but certainly not every day.
Per wine, Dr Rugo said it is OK to have a glass or two very, very occasionally, like when out to dinner etc. but she was pretty clear it is not a good idea--and as a researcher, she is super evidence/data based so I trust her caution.
All a bore as I live in Sonoma wine country!!!
That said, I don't think of being cautious as letting cancer take things away from my life. I think of it as conscious choices I can make towards healing my body and keeping it as strong as possible to resist the cancer. None of this will "cure" me, but taking proactive choices with diet and exercise definitely enhances my quality of life right now...
I’ve been on Ibrance 125 for 3 years. I enjoy wine on a daily basis. Everything in moderation.
I'm with pb soup, I do what I can to live the healthiest, longest life possible under our special circumstances . Alcohol is a known inflammatory agent. It will interfere with healing of a regular tybe of injury so goes without saying it doesn't do us much good. I used to have the occasional drink socially to enjoy life but the last couple of times I did that I did not feel good the next day (I already had a natural low tolerance) even just drinking a small amount. My liver enzymes run a little high too, due to past illness, another reason I avoid alcohol most often than not. I cannot in good faith think its good for any of us to drink daily, that's my opinion. I mean just our meds dehydrate us enough, and alcohol is very dehydrating, so if you DO imbibe, add lots of water along with it!