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Exemestane and Everolimus and my Sunflowers

24 Replies

The side affects are getting to me now. Itchy face and a rash on my chest bone. Palpitations and a chesty cough. True to form according to the leaflet I was given explaining the drugs.

It will never stop me doing things. We walked 4 miles again yesterday along the River Mersey. Tired when I got back but it was worth it.

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24 Replies

Another lovely picture Cheryl.So glad you managed your walk even with the side effects. They sound horrible, Ian so sorry. Are they likely to decrease with time?


in reply to

I hope so Clare. Honestly what we go through aye? The rash now seems to be showing mostly on the upper body. I could scratch my face to pieces. I’m drinking loads and loads of water. Flush the old system out. PM you later.

in reply to

Hi CherylI think you should get some advice on this before Friday as they haven’t fully ruled out cardiac problems. It’s so difficult as the cancer day unit won’t deal with the cardiology side of things and the two won’t communicate. I think you will have to pester the Cardiologist and your Onc and see who you can get to listen to you first.

Take care

Clare x

Garden-Lady profile image

Well done! Keep on keeping on friend xxx

in reply to Garden-Lady

Thank you. 👍

Bettybuckets profile image

That sounds incredibly hard! You are a rockstar star and we all must believe it will get more manageable… any good drugs to control itching? Maybe Lyrica?

Hi Sandra. I am speaking to the Oncologist Friday and will request a chest X-ray as NO…..I didn’t have one at the Cardiology Ward. Crazy I know but they were so remiss in my mind.

I have a few lung mets and do have very mild asthma. Plus I take Ramipril and that can affect the way the meds work. I mentioned this to the Oncolgist and all he said was yes it can. I repeated I was concerned and with that and other concerns about chest pain was when he decided to send me straight to Cardiology.

I do have the Hydroxyzine prescribed by my GP for my other skin condition caused by stress. I tried it on my face today. It seems to have helped.

I have so many questions for when I get the call Friday. Yes they did know I had a slight cough but hey ho, no notes were taken. I am on the higher dose of new meds. The Cancer Nurse at the hospital said that the Oncologist doesn’t usually prescribe the drugs I’m on. I never got to know why not as there was other things going on. The nurse was more concerned with getting the heart results. Only to find out they weren’t there. The Oncologist gave the ok to have them as the chest pain had subsided.

It’s beginning to concern me know as to try and get to speak to my Oncologist without the designated time is impossible. All the secretary says is I’m not medically trained. OK but advise me as to what to do…..she passes on a message. To who I will never now.

Will update you after my call Friday and thanks for your help and concern Sandra.

Best wishes


Jorgit profile image

Maybe your asthma and cough is due to ramipril. Dry persistant cough is a common side effect with ACE inhibitors such as ramipril. In such case, it is replaced by an ARB (valsartan, losartan, irbesartan...). I am not saying this is the origin of your problem but it should not be ruled out.

in reply to Jorgit

I have taken Ramipril forever. I would say over 20 years. I’ve never had a problem with it thank goodness. On the other hand the information I received with my medication specifically mentioned Ramipril by name. I have an appointment with my Doctor on Wednesday now as I need answers. My Cancer Nurse called today and made sure the Doctor called. That was at 19.45 and the Doctor was still working. Thanks for the info.Best wishes

Jorgit profile image
Jorgit in reply to

The theorical drug interaction with ramipril is angioedema which basically is a swelling most often on the face, tongue, lips or throat. As well, the strength of your ramipril could range normally differing depending the patient from 1.25mg to 10mg, and everolimus from 2.5mg to 10mg. Please let us know the outcome of your Doctor's consultation. Best wishes.

in reply to Jorgit

Thank you for the information and I will update ASAP.

Beryl71 profile image

What lovely flowers, I went to visit a prairie garden yesterday to sketch some echinacea. I am preparing for my next botanical composition. Yes it's important to do lovely things to put things in perspective. And find ways to deal with the side effects. Love Carolyn x

Echinacea at the Prairie Gardens, Henfield.
in reply to Beryl71

Beautiful. I am growing Echinacea from seed. It hasn’t flowered this year but I’m hoping it will next year. Thanks for the photo.

BARBIE70 profile image

Oh heck , I’m so sorry to hear your suffering with a horrid rash !I had it with my chemo all over my body and it just pulls you down but great you had a lovely walk along our lovely Mersey .

I live right by the river and a great place to walk .

I have the same probs with getting to speak to my oncologist out of a appointment times but his nurse is wonderful and do I go through her and🤞she always gets things sorted ,so keep pestering if your worried or distressed .

Keep us posted and sending big hugs and love xxx

in reply to BARBIE70

Are you living alongside the Mersey. We are in L1😊

BARBIE70 profile image
BARBIE70 in reply to

I live I Wallasey but I walk all sides of our lovely river with my doggie .So lucky to live in such an amazing place xx

in reply to BARBIE70

It’s such a fantastic place. Best of both worlds, city centre, beaches 30 minute drive away and the River. Hi from L1.

Joannaaaa profile image

Hi Cheryl, sending good wishes to you I hope you get some positive help from your medical team and relief from your symptoms.

8576 profile image

Lovely Flowers. Thanks for sharing. You are a trooper. Still managing a long hike. Hope you find some relief for your rash. Must be something out there to help. Cutting the dosage of your medication is a good idea if you can do that. Good luck with your doctor visit.

Cheers, June S.

mariootsi profile image

Hope u get help with your horrible issues. Damn cancer!

Missmaddie615 profile image

Thanks for sharing the beautiful flowers! I’m so sorry that you’re dealing with nasty side effects -I hope one of your doctors will get them resolved soon! Good for you for walking 4 miles with all that your dealing with!

debbiedo2063 profile image

Well done for pushing through side effects and doing what you want to do. Hope things settle down and improve soon .Sending lots of hugs .

Debra xxx

P.s. love the flowers.

in reply to debbiedo2063

Thank you x

Sandra I have secured an appointment with my Doctor for Wednesday thank goodness. He wants to take a look at me as I may have a blocked vein causing the swellings and breathlessness. I have written down advice given by you and the lovely ladies on here and I will bombard him with questions as I’m not totally happy with the stand in Oncologist I saw and who sent me to Cardiology. Watch this space.Best wishes

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