Is there an alternative to ibrance? What is the longest amount of time someone's been on ibrance? Does it compromise quality of life? Does anyone know of any clinical trials for stage IV metastatic breast cancer, with estrogen positive bone only mets?
Ibrance questions: Is there an... - SHARE Metastatic ...
Ibrance questions

Hi there
Ibrance is a relatively ‘new’ drug and prior to that many ladies did well on letrazole only type drugs for many years ....from what I’ve gleaned Ibrance extends progression free survival time before the letrazole ( or faslodex) stops working
It worked for me for approximately 16 months which is about average but there are ladies on here who’ve taken it for five years and it’s still working
The problem is that I don’t know if I would have done just as well on letrazole only if I’d refused the Ibrance...the side effects aren’t nice but I just put up with them as I wanted to do the best I could by taking what the oncologist re commended
Afinitor is similar as is Kisquali...however they all fail eventually and there’s no way you can know how long it will work for you
I’m not much help am I?... if you’re dithering about starting Ibrance I would just go for can always stop if you feel your quality of life is may be lucky and do well for years....however that you can’t know until you try
I don’t know if any clinical trials
Barb xx
I think Ibrance right now is the go to treatment for us ladies with bone mets. The one side effect that everyone complains about is tiredness but I think that is all individual, some people go on working, some of us slow down a lot. I think amount of bone mets, prior pain, age, it all makes a difference. I don’t think anyone would recommend a clinical trial right now if you haven’t tried Ibrance. Good luck with your decision. Elaine
Hi I’m ending my 6th cycle of Ibrance/Faslodex. I have pleura and lung Mets. The meds are working really well for me. I have bouts with fatigue and achiness but nothing I can’t deal with. When I first started I did have Blurred vision. Hope this helps.