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Coronavirus anxiety

Stage4Gir profile image
35 Replies

Is anyone else scared of this especially those with lung Mets? I’m not usual one to curtail my life for these things but the news is making it hard.

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Stage4Gir profile image
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35 Replies
Kiera49 profile image

I have lung mets, I am still going out although staying away from sickly people and washing my hands lots and now ordered hand sanitizer for when I'm out and about. Only go to doctor or hospital when necessary

Stage4Gir profile image
Stage4Gir in reply to Kiera49

Thanks Kiera I’m being careful but I work and go out daily. I live in the US and am trying not to watch the news all the time. Scary!


I can understand your concerns. We have about 53 confirmed cases of coronovirus in the UK (that figure may have changed since I heard it on the news this morning). When I went to the dentist's on Monday to see my hygienist the first thing I saw was a notice up inside the door to use the hand gel provided before walking into reception.

Some parts of the country are testing people's temperature before they are allowed inside cinemas and other buildings. I was reading about the precautions we should take to protect ourselves on the WHO web site. A lot of it is basic hygiene and common sense such as washing our hands and staying home if we are feeling unwell. Hopefully there will soon be a vaccine to help combat this terrible virus.

Sophie ❤

Kiera49 profile image
Kiera49 in reply to

I heard there is a vaccine coming out in April will be given to high risk people first

in reply to Kiera49

That would be great! Did you hear whether we are classed as high risk people?

Kiera49 profile image
Kiera49 in reply to

Yes we are because we have pre existing medical condition

in reply to Kiera49

Thank you! The reason I ask is because there have been times I thought I would be entitled to certain vaccinations and so on but was told that having cancer did not qualify me.

in reply to

Our immune systems are low so can’t see why we shouldn’t have it. Only problem is it takes a long time to find vaccines that help protect you from viruses. Mostly because they have to be tried and tested for a while. I really hope we can have some good news on this.

in reply to

I hope we can get some good news about this too. There are now about 80 confirmed cases of coronavirus in the UK. But again, that figure might have gone up since this morning.

Sophie 🥀

in reply to

There are the elderly, those in hospitals, young babies and kids that may get it before us. I am not sure having cancer would move us up to the front of the line and I doubt they will be able to mass produce such a large batch. They still have to test it on humans and make sure it works and does not produce other effects that they may not be aware of.

13plus profile image
13plus in reply to Kiera49

Unfortunately not the case. It couldn’t possibly be out any time this year. Going to take at least year before anything is available . It usually takes a few years!

in reply to 13plus

That’s what I thought. Some false promises to placate folks I guess.

Kiera49 profile image
Kiera49 in reply to

It was on good morning you would think they would get things right.

in reply to Kiera49

I just read where they say at least a year. Apparently some years back there was some kind of fear of an epidemic and they created some vaccine real fast and it turned out to be actually make the epidemic worst for most people. No way are they are going to have a vaccine ready by April. They may have an idea on how to start. The mayor of NY today said this may gone on for months before we get a vaccine. That is reality. It basically just started so they are not going to have a cure that soon. They are still trying to figure out in NY how that one man (who later infected 6 other people close to him) got it when he never traveled outside the country. They have to figure out how that happened first. That is the scary part. That he never traveled at all and still got it.

RLN-overcomer profile image
RLN-overcomer in reply to

Greetings: Sister/warrior, your right the vaccine will not be available for at least a year. They are trying to invent Tami-flu like products to lessen symptoms, and to kill the virus quicker. This will be available sooner, and is different than a vaccine. I will take extra precautions to lessen my chances of getting this virus. This Corona virus is very sneaky, It can take up to 14 days to show symptoms. It spreads quickly, and as we know can be deadly for people with underlying/preexisting conditions. I am hearing this Corona virus has been around since December 2019. The Corona virus may have been labeled the traditional Flu knowingly or unknowingly by CDC, WHO, and other medial officials. I have a friend who use to play college football Offensive end who had the flu. He has had severe Flu symptoms for the majority of almost 2 months which began on January 1st 2020, with the exception of 1 week in between contracting the Flu again. He has no underlying, or preexisting conditions. He had 3 rounds of Tamiflu, and 3 rounds of antibiotics to kill the respiratory, and nasal infections that followed. He was weak, and had a 107 degree fever. He couldn't hold down food for a least 4 weeks, and lost around 25 lbs .He could barely make it to his Dr's office. It is now march 8th, and he is still not fully recovered, and is trying to incorporate solid food back into his diet Yet I refuse to panic, or be in a state of fear. I put my trust in Dr. GOD, and I hope/pray that God will cover me, and my loved ones, and those who have preexisting conditions, until we find something that will kill this virus. Amen

Barbteeth profile image

I’m not too concerned at the moment as I think the press are scaremongering and worrying people unnecessarily

Basic hygiene is best

The NHS have sent notices to all dental practices to display warnings/info posters to put in our waiting rooms

Barb xx

in reply to Barbteeth

Thats good Barb. If only the general public would read them. There’s the minority that wont. Hope you are ok.

in reply to Barbteeth

I agree. You hear of a new case and everybody freaks out but in reality, at least here in NY, considering the number of people who tested positive vs. the number of people here in NY who have not shown any symptoms is relatively small. The only upsetting part may be that this man (the attorney) who tested positive infected 6 other people close to him (even his neighbor who drove him to the hospital) had not traveled outside the US.

So the question and puzzle is how the heck did he get it if he never traveled outside the country? In NY they had 26 people they were testing bc they were suspected of possibly having it. They all tested negative. I know its hard but just stay calm. We can't do any more than they advise which is constant washing of the hands and not using your hands to touch your face.

Having lung mets + bone mets I am seriously worried. I live in Liverpool, a reasonable size City and it has now hit us in the area. I now won’t use public transport nor go to the shops when I know they are busy. We have to give ourselves best chance. I wear gloves all the time. I also spray my clothes with Dettol Disenfectant spray that can be used on material. Oh boy! Something else for us to deal with but we mustn’t panic nor lose sleep over it. Take care

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to

Yes the virus is spreading along with lots of other viruses which they don’t mention at all...just take extra precautions

It’s the other dirty people who don’t do this which is concerning so we have to be vigilant

I’m recouperating from my op so staying in for now but I’ll perhaps avoid public transport for a while and wait to see what transpires In a week or so

Barb xx

in reply to Barbteeth

Simple things. Like they said you feel the need to cough, do not use your hands to cover your mouth, use your arms. Boy, now if we or anybody coughs in public, everybody will be jumping away from them. Well some of these "dirty people" are least here in NY are homeless or mentally ill and because they are poor, the City (one of the richest in the world) does not care about them and allows them to roam the streets or sleep in the train stations bc we have the money, but the City just does not care.

They get sick, they can't go to a doctor. I feel for them and I get angry every time I see one in the streets or the subway bc as one of the wealthiest Cities in the world, we should be able to do better.

Also, heard a story that a dog tested positive but at this point, I don't believe everything I hear except its from a medical person on TV bc people just start spreading rumors and getting everybody into a frenzy is not going to change anything.

Hope you are recuperating well from your surgery and that every day the soreness will be less.

in reply to

Same here. I wouldn’t say I live in a rich City (Liverpool) but we have so many poor folks sleeping rough. I feel for them also. It shouldn’t be like this. Makes me angry. Let’s hope they stay safe and well. You are also right as far as rumours go. I have a close friend in Singapore that said we shouldn’t take notice of half the media write. She also said her friends in Hong Kong with small children are furious as the schools are closed until mid April as 50% of the children are Chinese and they went home for Chinese New Year. They are being cautious. We can only do the best for ourselves right now and use our common sense. Take care everyone.

Stage4Gir profile image

Thanks Barb. My boss has actually suggested I only work from home and don’t go out unnecessarily which normally would be great but I think I would feel like a prisoner as this could go on for months. I agree about other people we can do all we can to avoid and protect but can’t control the rest of the population. I still don’t know what to do but today I have my Dr appointment and am going to see what she says about it all. Take care of yourself.

in reply to Stage4Gir

Common sense. I think just like you do but it was nice of your boss to offer that to you. In US, I feel for the people who have jobs dealing with the public every day. It will go on for months. At least that is what the Mayor of NY said in his speech today that we should be prepared for this to go for months. There will be no cure vaccine in April as people seem to believe. But they are working on one but it won't be done overnight.

in reply to

UK News yesterday said they have found a vaccine. It’s refrigerated ready to be tested on both animals and humans to see if it works. It’s going to be a while yet. Thinking positive about this but will be careful in the meantime.

SpongebobMom profile image


hdhonda profile image

Yes. I am. I have lung mets too. I am going to stop going around crowds including church. There are two cases in Tampa and that is getting too close for comfort. I am being a lot more careful around people. Stay safe everyone. Warn weather is coming and hopefully that will end the virus. Blessings Hannah

13plus profile image

Here’s my long reply with a professor’s letter included., and how best to keep yourself safe.

Not sure how I feel about ALL of this but interesting to read this professor’s take on the coronavirus and best steps to take. Personally if I had lung mets I would be extra cautious, but don’t hold yourself a prisoner either. Try to find a happy balance.

Best pointers: BUY - plenty of zinc lozenges, (Don’t buy zinc lozenges with citric acid - they don’t work together to help you), hand sanitizer and tissues and travel around with all of them! AND wash clothes often!!

And carry your own pen to use while out and about!

Begin forwarded message:

Date: March 3, 2020 at 7:10:55 PM EST

Dear Colleagues, as some of you may recall, when I was a professor of pathology at the University of California San Diego, I was one of the first molecular virologists in the world to work on coronaviruses (the 1970s). I was the first to demonstrate the number of genes the virus contained. Since then, I have kept up with the coronavirus field and its multiple clinical transfers into the human population (e.g., SARS, MERS), from different animal sources.

The current projections for its expansion in the US are only probable, due to continued insufficient worldwide data, but it is most likely to be widespread in the US by mid to late March and April.

Here is what I have done and the precautions that I take and will take. These are the same precautions I currently use during our influenza seasons, except for the mask and gloves.:

1) NO HANDSHAKING! Use a fist bump, slight bow, elbow bump, etc.

2) Use ONLY your knuckle to touch light switches. elevator buttons, etc.. Lift the gasoline dispenser with a paper towel or use a disposable glove.

3) Open doors with your closed fist or hip - do not grasp the handle with your hand, unless there is no other way to open the door. Especially important on bathroom and post office/commercial doors.

4) Use disinfectant wipes at the stores when they are available, including wiping the handle and child seat in grocery carts.

5) Wash your hands with soap for 10-20 seconds and/or use a greater than 60% alcohol-based hand sanitizer whenever you return home from ANY activity that involves locations where other people have been.

6) Keep a bottle of sanitizer available at each of your home's entrances. AND in your car for use after getting gas or touching other contaminated objects when you can't immediately wash your hands.

7) If possible, cough or sneeze into a disposable tissue and discard. Use your elbow only if you have to. The clothing on your elbow will contain infectious virus that can be passed on for up to a week or more!

What I have stocked in preparation for the pandemic spread to the US:

1) Latex or nitrile latex disposable gloves for use when going shopping, using the gasoline pump, and all other outside activity when you come in contact with contaminated areas.

Note: This virus is spread in large droplets by coughing and sneezing. This means that the air will not infect you! BUT all the surfaces where these droplets land are infectious for about a week on average - everything that is associated with infected people will be contaminated and potentially infectious. The virus is on surfaces and you will not be infected unless your unprotected face is directly coughed or sneezed upon. This virus only has cell receptors for lung cells (it only infects your lungs) The only way for the virus to infect you is through your nose or mouth via your hands or an infected cough or sneeze onto or into your nose or mouth.

2) Stock up now with disposable surgical masks and use them to prevent you from touching your nose and/or mouth (We touch our nose/mouth 90X/day without knowing it!). This is the only way this virus can infect you - it is lung-specific. The mask will not prevent the virus in a direct sneeze from getting into your nose or mouth - it is only to keep you from touching your nose or mouth.

3) Stock up now with hand sanitizers and latex/nitrile gloves (get the appropriate sizes for your family). The hand sanitizers must be alcohol-based and greater than 60% alcohol to be effective.

4) Stock up now with zinc lozenges. These lozenges have been proven to be effective in blocking coronavirus (and most other viruses) from multiplying in your throat and nasopharynx. Use as directed several times each day when you begin to feel ANY "cold-like" symptoms beginning. It is best to lie down and let the lozenge dissolve in the back of your throat and nasopharynx. Cold-Eeze lozenges is one brand available, but there are other brands available.

I, as many others do, hope that this pandemic will be reasonably contained, BUT I personally do not think it will be. Humans have never seen this snake-associated virus before and have no internal defense against it. Tremendous worldwide efforts are being made to understand the molecular and clinical virology of this virus. Unbelievable molecular knowledge about the genomics, structure, and virulence of this virus has already been achieved. BUT, there will be NO drugs or vaccines available this year to protect us or limit the infection within us. Only symptomatic support is available.

I hope these personal thoughts will be helpful during this potentially catastrophic pandemic. You are welcome to share this email. Good luck to all of us! Jim

James Robb, MD

13plus profile image

Also if you need hand sanitizer and it’s sold out make your own.

No less than 2/3 cup of isopropyl alcohol mixed with no more than 1/3 cup aloe Vera gel.

This gives you a minimum of 60% alcohol which is what is needed to kill the virus. Stronger mixes of alcohol become more drying on the skin

RLN-overcomer profile image
RLN-overcomer in reply to 13plus

Greetings: Sister/warrior Thank you. We can all do this , especially me, since I always have Aloe Vera, and alcohol available in good supply. Thank God I am not running around in a panic trying to get hand sanitizer, masks, or Lysol disinfectant. I pray this virus will be contained, and killed in Godspeed timing Amen

Fighteragain18 profile image

I’ve mets to my pleural lining and I’m a little worried tbh . I’ll keep washing my hands n using bacterial hand gel but I’d scare the kids with a mask lol

Stage4Gir profile image
Stage4Gir in reply to Fighteragain18

That where mine is. Pleural effusion that never seems to go down. Almost always at 80% full and getting my lung drained every few weeks. That’s why it scares me too. Sigh. I just want to live! And I don’t just mean not die. I want to live and not just exist.

in reply to Stage4Gir

Well, this time it is something everyone is worried about, not just cancer patients. And as the saying goes "This too shall pass..." Some things we have little control over. We do what the doctors say on the constant news and not some aol article. We are still not a marked country yet. Italy surprised me that it is now one of the countries not to go to. But if you figure the amount of people in NY and the small amount that got it, that kind of puts things in perspective. I too have it in my lungs but I need to go food shopping tomorrow so I will go and just carry my Purell with me and not touch put my hands to my face. Otherwise I live alone so no chance of me catching it myself.

The mayor stated it will be here for a few months so basically get used to hearing news about it. I dont know why some people are saying they are coming out with a vaccine in April. I believe the Chinese medical professions, along with other countries, are all working together. This is not ONE country's problem now.

When forced to, it shows the world can work together as one. I am not going to stay home. I have done that for months now bc of my back pain and finally now that I am getting percocets and they work, I am going out of the house as much as I can.

in reply to

That’s great. Keep that trekking up. You know what precautions to take. We were due to fly to Poland in May and Northern Italy later in the year (airport is now closed there due to virus). Unfortunately it’s a no go now. We were also due to see Gregory Porter in concert in May. That’s in Birmingham. Tickets and train fares cost a small fortune. Looks like we are going to miss that also. People will be to close for comfort on all occasions. I’m not upset as there will be other times. I couldn’t get insurance as they would only do it a month before we were due to go away. Now they won’t even entertain it. Hey ho......another time.

Duffles profile image

In the San Francisco area they are really trying to slow down the spread. “Social distancing” is the goal. Many colleges are changing classes to online online. Anyone over 60 or with health problems (like us) are advised to stay in as much as possible...and to avoid going to crowded places, drs. and medical facilities as much as possible! Pretty extreme measures but hope works!

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