Hi - I'm on ribociclib and letrazole - hormone positive, HER2 negative - breast and bone mets. I'm on cycle 2 but not coping well with the anxiety. Think it's the combo of recently losing my wonderful brother (unexpected, shock tragic death) and caring for my 15 year old daughter. I can see some anti-depressants will be counter-indicated with Ribociclib .. anyone on same drug combo and taking a moderate / gentle anti-anxiety med? - which one is it? thanks
anti-anxiety: Hi - I'm on ribociclib... - SHARE Metastatic ...

I’m on the same drug combo- just started in January. I don’t share the same symptoms, but wanted to say that I’m sorry that you’re experiencing this, on top of losing your brother 😕.
I hope others here can offer some help
I am on the generic of Effexor, 150mg. It has helped my anxiety tremendously. It has also helped with the hot flashes. A psychiatrist prescribed it and now my onc manages it. You may be able to have your onc prescribe it without the visits to anyone else. I am so sorry about the loss of your family. Give yourself some grace during this time.
I am not on those exact drugs, but in my life have found .25 of Xanax to be very effective. I take it now just at night. At one point was on it three times a day. It really helps me.
I'm on Ibrance and Faslodex and I take xanax for anxiety.
I’m on Ibrance and Tamoxifen and take Lexapro daily and Xanax as needed in really stressful situations like flying which I’m not sure I’ll do anymore. I’m ok if it’s smooth, but the minute there’s turbulence, I’m panicking. So frustrating. Menopause really amped up my anxiety 😡
Oh, I am so sorry. I hope you can have a conversation with your doctor and get some relief. I take Palbociclib so a little different, but a low dose of Prozac as well and that has really helped me. Occasionally a tiny amount of Xanax is in order when I can’t seem to slow down the mind and heart. Hang in there. ❤️
Thanks everyone. Really helpful x
Meditition for 10-20 minutes every day, it is no shortcut, however it also has no negative side effects! Plenty of relaxing mediations on youtube. I found it really good to do it every day, I now do 3 times a week.
Hi there, I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. Losing a brother/sister is shocking and terribly painful. An MBC diagnosis to boot, makes it all that much harder. I hope that with time, your heart will find peace with both. My doctor prescribes Lorazepam for my anxiety. I take one every night to fall asleep because without it, I find myself obsessively researching things about MBC and can't sleep. I'm not on an anti-depressant and I have heard some do interact with the CDK4/6 inhibitors, but I'm not sure which ones. I'm sure your doctor will know what they can prescribe to help you feel better. Take care, and I hope you feel better soon.
I take Lexapro as a maintenance med for anxiety and it works very well. Sorry to hear of your loses. I hope you find peace in dealing with both. Big hug!
I note that several people are taking SSRIs (serotonin re-uptake inhibitors). That is all too common in our society these days (see "Prozac Nation). Personally, they make me feel like a slug and that is no help.
One person is taking, recommended, a benzodiazepine. If you can, stay away from that class of drugs. Dependency develops and it is hard to get off, triggers more anxiety. They can also cause memory loss in the older population.
I take the generic of Wellbutrin. I find it much more tolerable than the others. It has a different mechanism than the benzos and SSRIs. I started on it to combat the fatigue that comes with bc and treatment. The fatigue made me depressed, lying around all the time, getting nothing done. It is anti-anxiety, anti-depressant, anti-fatigue. It has made this journey so much easier for me. I am on the extended release version, take it in the morning so it doesn't interfere with sleep at night.
I went to a weekend retreat for BC patients about six months after being diagnosed with MBC . One of the things we got to do was listen to a CD on coping with cancer, done by a psychologist who has focused on the mind-body connection and when Im got home, I googled her name (Belleruth Naperstek) and was able to buy that CD...I think it's offered as a download now, too. at healthjourneys.com (maybe .net or .org) She has a very relaxing voice and after listening to it just a few times, just thinking about it relaxes me. I'm a long timer with MBC, and also a long timer with having a brother die unexpectedly. Both are so hugely stressful, and both at once sounds overwhelming! I hope you have people that support and love you! So much is out of our control! It's been helpful for me to figure out what I do have control over and focus on that as much as possible, Can't control cancer cells but can take my meds, keep doc appts, do some things that give meaning to my life. Parenting teens is challenging, too! My daughter didn't do anything terrible but she knew how to push my buttons! And that was before all the on line stuff kids have to deal with today! What they are at 15 is not what they will be at 25, that's for sure! Know that there is always a place for you here and that we do our best to support one another in this crazy world of cancer....................
Hi. Thanks for this. I realise my comment didn’t read right. My 15 year old is a joy and I’m very lucky that she’s wonderful and easy to be with. I meant it’s the stress of worrying for her now I have the MBC. I don’t want her to suffer in anyway by my illness. Thanks for your comments. I’ll look up the psychologist details. Thanks so much for your kind support. Xxx
Not sure how to reply but anxiety is - in my mind - quite normal considering that we are all struggling with shocking news. Rather than taking drugs perhaps you could try meditation and herbal teas. And maybe find ways to be outside more. I am planning if it ever stops freezing and raining to find a place in my yard that is peaceful and use that place to relax and look at the greenery and the birds and bugs that share this beautiful planet with us. Or maybe just a place in nature to read a funny novel. Laughter is good medicine. I know this is an over simplification of a difficult subject but having a 15 year old daughter is a real blessing. Maybe she can offer you some advice if you share your feelings with her. She might be flattered if you ask for her help. Young people that age are sometimes really wise. I am sure she loves you and wants you to feel peaceful. I am sorry about your brother. Sadness is difficult enough without adding anxiety. Your daughter might also be going through sadness and worry. I hope you can talk about it to each other and share your feelings. All the best susiemarmite. Do you live in NZ. I was there for 6 months in 1974 and ate lots of brown bread, watercress and marmite. Take care of yourself. Hugs Marlene
Hi. I realise I wrote this wrong. My daughter is my light relief and blessing. The double bubble is Paul’s death plus cancer diagnosis. Then worry for how this affects her and wanting to be strong for her. X
It is wonderful to hear that your daughter is such a joy to you. I am sure she loves you too and wants you to be happy and well. I have a lovely daughter too and we have always shared so much. My son and my daughter have played a huge role in helping me stay well. Hugs to you and your daughter. Marlene