So it turns out that my rising tumor markers were due to a large mass in my pelvis. My Onc is now sending me to a Gynecological Oncologist to see about that. She said she doesn’t think it’s my primary breast cancer since treatment isn’t working. So I might have a second cancer now? WTF?! I always thought that was highly unlikely since I already had MBC. She said it might require biopsy surgery and different treatment. God I’m tired.
Another cancer??: So it turns out that... - SHARE Metastatic ...
Another cancer??

I am so sorry. That is tough news. You are already dealing with more than enough. You have many folks here, though, that are thinking of you and praying for you. 🙏❤️
Thanks for sharing. I hope that you will soon know what is going on in your pelvis and what the mass actually is. Maybe it is not cancer at all, but something else that can be easily treated. You just don't know until the biopsy results come back. Please let us know what is happening. Hopefully you will soon have the answers you need.
Oh honey, I am so sorry!! As if you didn’t already have enough to deal with? I am sick of this disease and the way it’s taking over!! Please keep me posted and I’m sending you lots of ❤️❤️❤️❤️
So sorry to hear the news. Sending you hugs & prayers! ❤️🙏❤️
So sorry you’re dealing with this. Keep us posted please. We are here for you.
After 4 months off Ibrance (never went back on, am now on Verzenio), due to surgery, I had a scan done, then an ultrasound, then a mammogram and then back to the ultrasound room. I knew something was not right because of the mammogram which was not scheduled, and the twice going back to ultrasound room. I did not even bother asking the technician bc they are not allowed to tell us anything. The radiology doctor then came in and told me they found a new cancer tumor in my breast far from my original one. I was confused when told I would need biopsies done again. My onco called me by the time I got home (which she never called me before). She said the biopsies were to see what kind of cancer it was. I was shocked to learn that you can have two different kinds of cancer in one breast OR that the cancer could charge from ER positive to triple negative. So that was news to me. Luckily, (I guess) my second cancer tumor was the same as my original cancer ER/PR+, Her2-. I had no idea until that time that you could get two different cancers in one breast so it does not surprise me that a person can get cancer in another area of the body. Don't worry yet because: "A pelvic mass is an enlargement or swelling in the pelvic region. Most pelvic masses are discovered during routine gynecologic or physical examinations. ... Most are benign conditions, such as an Ovarian Cyst." Hopefully, it is just a large cyst like a friend had and it was not cancer. Best wishes that this is the case.
My pelvic mass turned out to be an ovarian cyst, which they said is normal for my age and benign. Chances are yours turns out to be the same 🙏🙏🙏🙏
What a nightmare for you. Keep going though. It may turn out to be nothing related to this.
Horrible waiting game for you now.
We are all thinking of you
Clare x
0h 4Gir, I’m sorry to read this. No fair!! May you have the energy to navigate this new territory and find peace as you await results. Try not to let the “maybes” become reality until you know for sure. I know that’s so, so hard with cancer.
I am so sorry! The hard part is always not knowing what you are dealing with. I’m keeping positive thoughts that it will be a cyst or fibroids or something benign (although the fibroids I had that caused heavy bleeding at very unexpected and inconvenient times didn’t seem very benign to me) and you will breeze right through this and back to your more normal life again. Hugs!
I'm so sorry about your news . I'm in a similar situation and I say "WTF" a lot lately too . Please keep us informed and I wish you all the best
Don't give up! First, doctors and tests can be wrong. Second, treatment for this possible tumor may be much easier than you think! Third, make a list of all the things you want to do and do as many of them as you can. You have to have things to look forward to, to live for! And 4th, get Panacur C and take it! Know that you can kill the cancer cells and live!
Hugs and prayers!
Prayers to you. Don't give up!
It's so often the unknown that is the scariest! I hope this can be figured out for you quickly and that a treatment plan you can be comfortable with can be put in place quickly, too, so you aren't left dangling in that scary limbo! If you happen to have lobular rather than ductal cancer, it can metastase to "odd" places but I agree with others here who have suggested a cyst or fibroids. I'm a long timer with mbc (15 1/2 years) and when I have scans or other tests, my prayer for them is always that they will find anything that needs to be known. That helps me cope with progression and things that need further exploration. It's also been helpful for me to focus on long term/big picture. I don't know if any of that would work for others, but it has helped me feel more in control of my own life. This cancer is not easy to live with, that's for sure! Do let us know what you find out and how you are feeling!
So sorry to hear! Praying they put their heads together and figure this out! 🙏🏻💕
Oh I'm so sorry you have to deal with this. I'm going to pray that it's not cancer and you can be easily treated.
You won't know til the biopsy so let's stay positive. Please let us know the results but know we are with you.
oh no that's hard news to cope with. But like Sophie says, there's a chance it could be something else, maybe an ovarian cyst or something. Praying for a good outcome for you, crossing fingers and toes and anything else that might help. Big hugs xx Josie xx
So sorry you are facing this ♥️
Please God, NO to all this cancer! My heart goes out to you! Our prayers should be for good research and a cure for this UGLY disease! My thought and prayers go out to you for a good report!
So very sorry to read your post! I read your history and you sound like the poster girl for CANCER FIGHTER! Can't believe how many times you have fought back and added MANY YEARS to your life!
I'm not sure if I missed what your current treatment is but please know that you are in my heart and prayers through this new battle. God bless you and may He shine His heavenly healing light upon you!
Love, Linda
I’m so sorry to hear this. I’m not sure how your doctor would think it isn’t a progression of your breast cancer. Please let us know what you find out. This disease sucks. Thinking of you v