Good morning All. Happy Thursday. I started my first day on Piqray yesterday and so far so good no side effects. It is probably too early to tell but I am both scared and excited to see what this treatment brings. I will keep you all posted as I enjoy and get inspired by all of your stories. I decided to take 30 days off from work to help strengthen my body. Stay strong and positive my sisters and brothers
Day 1 on Piqray: Good morning All... - SHARE Metastatic ...
Day 1 on Piqray

Thanks so much for keeping us closely are one of the first Piqray Pioneers and many of us have the mutation that it targets. It's encouraging that your first day went well, and how wonderful that you took 30 days off to get stronger! That's so wise. Can I ask, what is your dosage and how many days on/off? Are you taking it with Fulvestrant?
Hope the new Piqray treatment works well for you ! .. and tho’ we can’t offer advice on it , we are always here to support you if you need to talk . Very exciting when new treatments are approved x 😘
Thank you for blazing the Piqray trail and sharing your journey with all of us. I think you have a great attitude and I wish you all the best the treatment is just what you need to keep your cancer in check. Good for you for taking care of yourself and taking some time off.
Thanks for sharing about piqray. I have the test next week to see if I have the mutation. Let us know how you are doing, strong pioneer warrior♥️
Good luck! Have read good things about Piqray as targeting the PIC3 mutation with good results.
Hi Lilian: Great news, looking forward to the results! Did your oncologist put you on the Piqray immediately after discovering you had the Pi3K mutation or after your first line of treatment was not working? Thank you!
Good morning I was on Ibrance and Femara for over a year and then he took me off the Femara and added Faslodex with the Ibrance. My tumor markers with up to 1750 so he did the mutation test which showed that I had the mutAtion. This will be my 3rd day on Piqray and the side effects are fatigue and higher sugar numbers but learning how to deal with them. I see my onc on the 19th so I am hoping to see some results.
Good afternoon Hannah. It definitely has an effect on my sugars they have gone as high as 400. I am also a diabetic and taking pills. I am sure they will change my medicine but they are the only two side effects so far. My onc told me that they are have a 92 yr old lady that has been in it for about two months and she is doing well. Thanks for responding. Have a Blessed day
Please keep us updated. It is probably an option for a lot of us. I am particularly interested in learning how much it affects blood sugar as I am diabetic and on Junuvia. Wishing you great success with it. Blessings Hannah