Hi Ladies, went to see my oncologist last Wednesday, she put me straight into hospital. Lost nearly 2st. Cannot eat at all, put on a saline drip and high protein food straight into the stomach. Apparently the feeding tube to the stomach has thickened, so wont let food through. They are going to try to put a stent in to widen it this Thursday, please keep your fingers crossed for me it works. Also they have taken off of ibrance and wont me me to have 18 weeks of a low does of normal chemo there goes my hair again. But hopefully if the stent works i will be able to eat again. I hope that all you lovely ladies are coping. God bless Jenny xx
Update on stomach mets: Hi Ladies, went... - SHARE Metastatic ...
Update on stomach mets

Oh you poor darling
Well you’re in the right place and getting the best attention
I wish you well...do hope the stent can be sorted out..you must be feeling awful...puts my problems into perspective
Barb xx
Oh no, losing all that weight's not good. I've just gone through a few weeks of not wanting to eat and was feeling sorry for myself but compared to your troubles it was nothing. Hopefully they'll sort the stent out and you'll be able to enjoy your food again.
I couldnt tell from your post why you're coming off Ibrance but if it's adding to the tummy troubles it'll be for the best. Hopefully the new treatment will work better. I know losing your hair isnt the best but I guess in the grand scheme , it's price some of us have to pay. I noticed you said losing your hair 'again' so you'll already know there's some fab wigs out there and hey, on the upside no faffing getting it right, right?
Crossing fingers and toes for the stent success . Keep us posted. Best wishes and big hugs . Josie
Oh Jenny
So sorry you have to deal with this now. Sure they can fix the stent and get it going again. Too much weight loss. Once you can get hydrated and have protein am sure you will feel better. Will they give you time to recoup before starting another treatment?
🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻Hugs n love
Sorry to hear you are so sick. But I was in hospital for dehydration a few weeks ago also. They will take good care of you and hopefully the stent will help.
I will be thinking of you. Then you can get back onto treatment.
I’m so sorry you are going through this. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers that you feel better soon. Stay strong and keep fighting!
Oh, Jenny, that sounds just lousy! But it's good that it's being addressed. I hope you have ways to pass the time while there in the hospital, whether it is with good books, knitting, friendly visits, or naps. You are in my prayers along with prayers for your docs to know what they need to know to take great care of you! Keep us posted please! Sending big hugs, too! Love, Pam
Sending hugs and prayers. We love you. Keep strong.
Sister/warrior, and yessssssssss Over-comer. You are going through some challenges, but nothing to hard for God. I pray for your full body restoration. May joy come in the morning Amen, amen, and yessssssss amen! XoXoXoXo
You are so brave Makes me want to give you a hug. Sending prayers you can
push through this. I am trying fenbendazole (the hope factor, if nothing else).
Otherwise, only on Letrozole for past 7 months. seems to be holding the line
for me a bit, thankfully . I do have other health issues, (congestive heart failure
due to severely stenotic mitral valve), so I do need my cancer to "behave" ..
Please keep us posted on your progress, Jenny
Maine in Maine
Hi sandra, they have fitted my stent but i am still on water only. Do you know how long it takes to settle down. I still have quite painful pressure i my chest. Im hoping this will gradually diminish. I assume it is wherethe tube has thickened. Sorry to ask you so msny questions. Thank you for comkng to me. Bless Jennyxxx