I am writing on behalf of my mother who has been diagnosed with breast cancer. She has already undergone total mastectomy followed by chemo port insertion. Dr has recommended 4x AC 3 Wkly + (Wkly Taxol *12 + Herceptin(3 Wkly) ). The total cost of treatment is beyond 15L even after Blue tree program. I need urgent help to identify alternative to Roche herclon and the offers given. Also advice on any good hospital or nursing home in Bengaluru, India which allows outside medicine would be of great help. Forgot to mention she has Her2, ER, PR positive. Doctor were mentioning that the growth will be pretty slow due to er, pr being positive. Same was revealed in PET/CT scan.
HER2 positive treatment recommendation - SHARE Metastatic ...
HER2 positive treatment recommendation

I am so sorry to hear about your mom! This disease is bad enough without the additional financial burden. I don't have answers for you, except to contact the manuacturers and ask for help.
Sending you my best wishes for your mom 🙏❤️

So sorry to hear about your mom. I also suggest, contacting the drug company or drug companies; ask for direction of applying for financial assistance to pay for your mom's treatment. I am running into the same problem.
Thanks Susie. Do you know any drug company who provide assistance for medication. One that I am aware is Blue tree program from Roche in India.
I would start with the company who makes the treatment that your mom will be on, they may have a financial assistance program or may be aware of other programs your mom could apply for; there is Cancer Care Co Payment Assistance Foundation, concentrate.org, 1-866-552-6729, Good Days Fund, my.good days.org, 1-877-968-7233, Patient Advocate Foundation, patientadvocate.org, 1-800-532-5274.
Hope this can help.

Many thanks for the kind words. I will try to contact the manufacturer.
Sorry to hear about your mom. I would suggest as others have that you contact the companies that make the drugs for help.
Such a shame that money is such an issue in mbc!
I am her negative er positive and take only Letrozole, which costs about $11 a month at Walmart.
I also take supplements which are more costly, such as Carnivora , Graviola, apricot
pits, fermented tumeric, turkey tail mushroom (capsules)and, soon, will be adding fenbendazole. I still work, so consider my health valuable enough to afford supplements,
I can be more specific ab out supplement costs, if you are interested---but it is not as costly
as Ibrance, for example--- at any rate !~
Many thanks for the reply. You guidance on the food supplements will definitely help my mother effectively fighting cancer.
Mh first 3 month CT scan and blood work showed breast lymph node tumors
had reduced (looked to be about 25% on computer screen), spine mets
were unchanged. Meanwhile plueral effusion has gone down from around 250
ml per day to around 75 ml per day, now, 6 months later. after 3 months my
tumor markers had gone down to near normal (this was in May) around 44,
Will let you know how things look after my next CT scan on Aug 20, and blood work