I suddenly have mouth sores. Is that a side effect of Ibrance? Ugh
Mouth Sores on Ibrance? : I suddenly... - SHARE Metastatic ...
Mouth Sores on Ibrance?

I initially experienced a sore and dry mouth and tongue. It did get better. Never had actual sores. It’s been 4 years. There are things your doctor can recommend that help
I get them every few months - not sure if it's the Ibrance or other stuff. I use Biotene toothpaste and mouthwash (mouthwash when I have a sore.)
Unfortunately yes along with nose sores. I use Corsodyl Daily or Colgate mouthwah twice per day. If I get ulcers, my Onc prescribed Difflam which numbs it. I also make up a cup of salt water when its sore and keep it there ready and have a swish every couple of hours. Since Ive done this Ive managed to avoid getting any more ulcers.
I get them too, though not too bad. Please try a product I have used. Moisyn is made for dry mouth. The company that makes it is trying to get FDA approval for a stronger formulation for mouth sores, but in the meantime, this works better than anything I’ve tried. prisyna.com/moisyn/ It is very mild, and does the trick for me.
Sorry that you have these. They are so annoying. I had painful ones in rounds 3 and 4. My doctor gave me Dexamethasone, which is a steroid that I would swish and spit and Lidocaine that numbed. She also recommended the salt water/baking soda swish 4x a day. Mine came on at day 14. We decided to change the dosage of Ibrance from 125 to 100...and I took a 3.5 week break before starting the 100 so all could calm down. Yesterday was Day 7, so still need to see if this does the trick. They were so painful and I have a super high pain tolerance. Avoid spicy and acidic foods too. Here is to feeling better very soon!
I had mouth sores every month. The onc offered a mouth wash, but it was expensive and had shelf life of 7 days. With a script for Lidocaine, over the counter liquid Benadryl and liquid antacid, I made my own. Just mix equal parts of each, use as needed.
over-the-counter Peroxyl. Life saver for mouth sores.
Yes. I believe that is a side effect of Ibrance. Your onc can give you mouthwash to counteract this.
I just experienced this on my 2nd round of IBrance last month. Two remedies that worked after I tried the Rx Miracle mouthwash were over the counter & very effective: Closys an Colgate’s Peroxyl. I hope you find immediate relief.
I have had them on and off since starting ibrance now 9 th cycle. I use baking soda1/2 tsp and 1/2 tsp salt warm water swishes. Also have used hydrogen peroxide in warm water with baking soda. They are annoying but they come n go.
Yes ibrance cause that. I got them when I was taking 125 mg. Starting soon w 75mg. I hope the side effects are less than 125 mg
I use Nystatin and the sores are gone the next day.