On my frantic web searches around diet and cancer I came across a site which offers nutrition advice for cancer patients. Takes into account current treatment path and previous history.
Seem to be free, and as we all know, "if it's free, then you are the product". I have been inputting my wife's diagnosis and diet for a week or so. Comes back with all manner of tips on what you are eating.
This is not by any means advocating any specific diet (keto, alkaline etc.) just some good solid advice. The link is below if anyone want to use it. No I am not affiliated.
There credentials are here:
And this is their resident Oncologist (CEO)
By happy accident we seem to be adhering to most recommendations. Would be interested to see if anyone who is working with an integrated practitioner could stack up their advice against what is being provided here.
I have a nutritionist as a friend and they are interested in the subject and said the guidance seems good.
Update: I have added a screen grab of the nutrition advice. You are asked questions each day. And I think going forwards ti is working like a food diary.