I am on Ibrance 125 & Letrozole 2.5 &... - SHARE Metastatic ...

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I am on Ibrance 125 & Letrozole 2.5 & I juice to relieve the side effects and it is working.

LadyPastor profile image
26 Replies

Hi, I am basically new here as in this is my first post. I have been reading posts from other members for about a month and a half. I found this site by searching whether Ibrance could actually reverse the cancer or just slow it or stop it. I have been juicing also (which I didn't believe in juicing at first but glad I gave in). I have been choosing what I add to my juice by what will help with the symptoms or side effects that try to get me. For instance, when I started having the foggy mind that can be a side effect of Ibrance, I added blueberries to my juice and it worked. For the cancer I use ginger as it makes the cancer suicidal and then they eat each other. When I found that out I decided I want that. We had started out using carrots for the juice base and it turns out that is really good for the bladder. I soon started sleeping through the night and having no more severe urgency when I needed to go. We weren't expecting that surprise.

I was diagnosed with stage 4 Metastatic Breast Cancer right out of the gate. I knew I had a lump but I wasn't going to do anything about it until it got big enough to become a nuisance. In a year and a half from being discovered (because of a CT scan I needed because of a car accident) it have grown 2 1/2 times its size. So when I went in to just have it removed we discovered the MBC (metastatic breast cancer). 3 in my breast and lymph nodes, 2 in my right hip, and 2 in my spine. I have decided I will not do heavy chemo or radiation. I am ok with this which ever way it goes. If I go home, then I will see the Lord and my son and parents. If I live I will have a grand testimony to share. Oh, my testimony will only slightly be about the modern miracles of medicine (which I believe God had His hand in that anyway). My testimony will only partially be about the juicing (which has actually surprised me a lot. I can just choose what will help the situation and add it to my juice). But my testimony will grandly be about the fact that I have absolutely no fear. And I believe I can help others to experience that as well. The lack of fear has made it possible for me to experience many other wonderous things that I would not have thought possible. But I don't know how much I can get into it here, being a secular public site. (I don't want to offend anyone).

Oh I am not ignorant of how bad it can get. I was my mother's caretaker during her breast cancer for several years (and my dad too, who passed 3 months after mom with COPD, which I have had COPD for 15 years). I saw first hand just how bad it can get. She passed in her own home only 15 years after diagnosis. But she fought it well.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that once we started treatments and juicing the one tumor I could feel suddenly shrank much faster than it grew.

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LadyPastor profile image
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26 Replies
laurac1014 profile image

Hi LadyPastor

Thanks for sharing your journey of faith, treatment, juicing and trying to be fearless.

So far I’ve had good results with treatment and a positive attitude. I might add juicing at some point.

Recipes would be appreciated!

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to laurac1014

Hi laura

I bought s juicer recently and my fave combo is carrot celery apple and cucumber...really refreshing

Barb xx

LadyPastor profile image
LadyPastor in reply to Barbteeth

That is awesome Barbteeth. I do blueberries for my mind, carrots for the base and bladder, parsley to help taste and it works on kidneys, ginger for the cancer, and lots of oranges for taste and they have benefits too. Juicing is great.

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to LadyPastor

Ooh sounds lovely combo

I’m intrigued about the ginger theory and cancer...not heard of that..I love ginger things..I even have a ginger cat!!

All the best

Barb xx

LadyPastor profile image
LadyPastor in reply to laurac1014

Thank you for your encouragement. I was not sure how much I could get into my faith in God on here. If you do decide to juice let me know and I can help you find what to juice for what you are trying to accomplish. I have a friend who has made juicing his ministry and he is full of info and help.

mariootsi profile image


Thank you for sharing your story and welcome.

Thank you for also sharing your faith. The fact that you have no fear is remarkable.

Fear is my biggest hurdle in all of this.

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to mariootsi

And mine..it’s the unknown!

But xx

mariootsi profile image
mariootsi in reply to Barbteeth

That too!

LadyPastor profile image
LadyPastor in reply to mariootsi

I know that it is real easy and normal to have tremendous debilitating fear just at the mention of the word cancer. I know exactly why I have none and I know that it is available to anyone who would like to pursue it. I also know that I have to be careful on boards like this so that I am not accused of proselytizing. But it is definitely due to my faith in Jesus that I am fearless.

Yes, a lot of the fear does come from the unknown. Which ever way it goes. There are so many things that can happen. It can spread or grow or cause any unknown effects. Even the idea that it has gone into remission because we know that it can come back at any time. But it helps to know where we are going no matter what the outcome. I know where I am going when it is all done.

And I know just how bad it can get. After radiation my mom's just started growing like crazy. The tumors would reach the surface on her chest and burst oozing something that would crust and then it would scab for a few days and then it would grow into a huge open wound on her chest that just never healed. It only grew. All we could do with it at that point was keep fresh dressing on it to prevent infection. We dealt with that for two years before she finally succumbed to her cancer which was just about everywhere in her body by that time. One thing about it was that I believe the cancer, as it made the wound grow, was killing her nerve endings as she had no pain after the tumor would burst at the surface. That was truly a blessing. I have had scabs that hurt like crazy so I could not even imagine an open would covering her frontside.

I don't mean to make it sound gruesome, but to keep up on what COULD happen so that there might not be as much of the unknown to fear. No matter what happens there are ways to deal with it. If we wind up on hospice it is helpful to know that our nurse probably has seen just about everything happen or they can talk to another nurse who has seen it. That helps a lot to combat the fear of the unknown.

Felish48 profile image
Felish48 in reply to LadyPastor

Hello LadyPastor...I would love to know of the juicing recipes that you use if you don't mind sharing please, thank you.

LadyPastor profile image
LadyPastor in reply to Felish48

Absolutely. I take a handful of blueberries and a bunch of parsley and mix them in my small smoothy type juicer. Then in the centrifugal juicer I take three carrots, a chunk of ginger about the size of two fingers, and 4 oranges. Then I mix the two juices together or sometimes just drink them separate. The neatest thing about juicing is that if you have other symptoms the best food that will help it can be added. The reason I do the blueberries and parsley in the smoothy mixer is that I don't get my juice from them in the centrifugal juicer and it just throws them out with the pulp.

Felish48 profile image
Felish48 in reply to LadyPastor

Thank you for sharing your tips with me, I've been using a lot of natural remedies off and on since my diagnosis back in 07/2013. This has been a rough journey and I'm so tired of the pain that's associated with this disease. I continue to pray and try my best to keep my faith strong. Hang in there , i'm so happy that we have each other on this site it has made a difference in how I feel mentally. Thank you once again for your insight...


Welcome to this site.

Thanks for sharing your story and for your positive attitude. I like to juice too. I like using celery, cucumber and kale as a base and I sometimes add an apple for sweetness. I need to take your advice and add blueberries and ginger too. Have you tried any of Kris Carr's juicing recipes? She has lived with metastatic cancer for about 16 years and is thriving!

Sophie ❤

LadyPastor profile image
LadyPastor in reply to

I have not heard of Kris Carr or any recipes. I simply look up what can help each symptom and then add it. I will suggest that if you want to add blueberries and ginger there is a trick to some of it. I use the centrifugal juicing method for the carrots, ginger and oranges. But I have found that the blueberries and parsley just get flung out with the pulp so there is not much juice. So I use a type of blender like for making smoothies for the blueberries and parsley and then add it to the other items after I juice them. This whole thing has just been a trial and error to see what works. I love a good challenge and I love the results.

in reply to LadyPastor

That sounds like a good idea. Thanks for the tips. I love blueberries, but don't buy fresh ginger. I'll add it to my shopping list!

Pollingxx profile image

I have stage 4 metastatic breast cancer , the juicing does interest me .

Could you please explain more , l feel good at the moment and tolerating the meds with no side effects of any real problem.

I want to do everything I can to maximise my heath x

LadyPastor profile image
LadyPastor in reply to Pollingxx

I used to be one of those people who thought, 'Why would I want to eat healthy? To live longer eating food that tastes like crap?' But then a friend of mine, who has a juicing ministry, convinced me to drink some of the juice that he was making. He was saying it had benefits to fight the cancer. Needless to say, my friends and family were torn about my diagnosis. I hope they are finding strength in the fact that I am not reacting as they would have thought.

I am glad that I gave in to my friend. The juice wasn't too bad and I was surprised when after only a few days I was able to sleep through the night. I had become accustomed to getting up once or twice every night to relieve my bladder and then during the day making sure I didn't get too far from a bathroom. The juicing was making my bladder stronger and more healthy. We were not expecting that result but it made me want to find out more. So I started looking up foods that help ….. and that is where I found out about the ginger. It said that ginger causes cancer cells to commit suicide and then to eat each other. I said, "I want that." It made the juice quite bitter with ginger so we added oranges. That was just what made it good enough to get in my body.

Discovering the effects of juicing with the carrots was like God hitting me over the head with a two by four (an idiom of course). He knows I can be very stubborn. Then when I started the ginger the tumor I could feel easily on my breast started shrinking. Much faster than it grew. Then my oncologist decided to have the same battery of tests as before and he said the cancer is shrinking significantly. In only a couple of weeks I could feel the difference in the biggest tumor.

Then while this was going on I was suddenly finding myself craving those malt ball candies. I am not a big fan of chocolate (I know, hard to believe, right?) but it was like I could not get enough of them. It was like a druggy on Whoppers, lol. I knew it was not the chocolate so I looked up any info on the malt. There it was, malt is good in fighting cancer. Hmm. Then once I found that info out, the severe cravings stopped. Like my body knew it had gotten my attention. I am searching for more healthy ways to get malt. Of course I would be happy to answer any questions and help you through getting your own juicing going.

Thank you for your testimony! I'm so glad you are doing well with juicing. I also believe certain foods are so beneficial in combatting tumor growth. I also juice with blueberries, ginger and cardamom. It's delicious too. I also started a whole food plant based diet.

Wishing you continued good results!

LadyPastor profile image
LadyPastor in reply to

Yes, I was actually surprised at how I can just add one or two more things to make it more tasty. And the crazy thing about it is I started craving more and more.

in reply to LadyPastor

Isn't it amazing that deep down our bodies know what's good and what we need? :)

RLN-overcomer profile image

Greetings: Sister/warrior, and yesssssss Over-comer. I have always believed that the answer to all of our ailments is in GODS non- GMO green earth the Paradise of Eden. I also believe that food is our medicine, and that all of GODS human creation should eat specific foods, and beverages that correspond to their specific blood types. I start my day drinking a liquid concoction 16 Oz glass of Brita water/Alkaline water, with lemon/lime, garlic, ginger paste, a pinch of Iodized sea salt & baking soda, because I run low blood pressure, and sometimes I add curcumin to the infusion. Like you I am not afraid of dying in my physical body, but I pray that I/we will not have long suffering. I hope/pray that when my/your spirit/soul leaves our physical body, and I/we approach the pearly gates of heaven that our Lord will usher me/you in, and say enter good, and faithful servant. My oncologist years ago said I would not live to see 2009. Tomorrow my little 6 year old cousin will be taken off of life support, and his organs will be used to help other children live. His mother, and two bothers who are 8, and 10 have been in therapy, and are at peace with this decision, as is the rest of my family. I know God will be welcoming him with open arms. There are no problems, challenges or tears in heaven,Just joy!!! XoXoXo Sisters/Warriors stay strong, and continue to fight for your , and our sister/warriors

LadyPastor profile image
LadyPastor in reply to RLN-overcomer

I wish the like link had a love link like of Facebook. I can relate with the family of your cousin. In 1988 my 8 year old son had leukemia and 6 weeks after his diagnosis he died. Not from the leukemia, but due to the chemo treatment that killed his body's ability to make white blood cells and so a severe yeast infection grew on every organ of his body. But just before he left I got to see his eyes seeing (what I am convinced) his angels all around him. Then he looked at me and smiled and then stopped breathing. The way it happened to his body and other stories I have heard about is why I don't want to do chemo. I am not saying it is bad for everyone. Each one of us needs to make that decision for ourselves.

Thank you for responding as you did. I love reading about other God lovers stories. I just love God and Jesus so much that at times I almost feel that my heart could explode if I loved them any more. :-)

Felish48 profile image
Felish48 in reply to LadyPastor

Im just seeing this. Im so sorry to read this about your son. I cant imagine losing a child, may God continue to bless you...Thank you for sharing...

RLN-overcomer profile image
RLN-overcomer in reply to LadyPastor

God is good no matter what the situation. Like we all have the choice to choose Lord/Jesus in our lives. You have a right to choose whether you want to have I.V. chemotherapy or not. God bless you sister/warrior, and yesssss over-comer. XoXoXo

Felish48 profile image

That's awesome LadyPastor..I too have decided to forego the use of IV chemo and my Onc is very upset with me, but I've suffered so much with the chemo pills that I'm not willing to give up my quality of life out of fear. May God continue to bless us as we continue this journey to fight cancer.

LadyPastor profile image
LadyPastor in reply to Felish48

Yes, absolutely. When I see those who don't have God, I just can't imagine how they can possibly make it through. Without the strength that He gives me I know I would just crumble away.

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