What is the lowest your WBC count and Neutrophils abs have been?
WBC lowest?: What is the lowest your... - SHARE Metastatic ...
WBC lowest?

Mine went below 1.0 when I started 125 mg Ibrance
Once dose was reduced to 100mg then the count stayed above 1.0.... my oncologist is happy with that
Barb xx
On Friday they were the lowest I have ever had even on lower Ibrance dose. Neutrophils .7 and WBC were 1.2. Repeat blood work yesterday bounced back to 1.2 neutrophils/ 3.1 WBC.
Mine fall to 0.5 most cycles and once it was 0.3. I have been switched to 75mg Ibrance to see how they will react. I’m normally off three weeks each cycle instead of one.
I’ve been on it almost 4 years and wbcs usually between 2+ and 4. This month 1. Not sure about neutrophils. I am on a once cycle break and feeling better.
Glad you are feeling better
Checking out realtor.com for beachfront condos!!! I think that would really boost my white count. Thanks for reaching out
Ok. So I'm watching Caribbean Life on HGTV.Great properties on the water with pools. Unbelievable prices!
They just did episodes on Utila, Honduras and now Vieques near Puerto Rico! Fabulous!
Caribbean Life is fun to watch, and it's hard to beat life at the beach. But I wouldn't buy in a politically unstable area, and in my "condition," looking for top cancer care. I also wonder after a few months, would you get tired of the beach? Need something more? I am getting tired of working, but for now I feel trapped. I did tell my husband to get a financial planner, because at 65, and with this diagnosis, I'm feeling like not waking up at 5:30a every morning. It's hard when he's out of work. We need his salary to stay in our house. One foot in front of the other...
Just keep searching. You will find the right spot to live and you can work it so you can afford it.
You deserve to retire and enjoy life more.
I understand that medical care in these Caribbean locals would be an issue. But It just looks like paradise to me!
I know I just want to run away!
I know it's unrealistic.
That comment immediately boosted my counts, lol!
onc told me that anything above 1.0 is a-ok to stay the course with medication schedule.
lowest I've been (so far, knock on wood) is 1.3.
thanks so much for your responses. my Neutrophil is .7 and wbc is 1.7 - I have to take week off and decrease dosage to 100 when i start back. Dr told me my Neutrophil has to be at least 1 before I can start again.
My ANCs are almost always 800/.8...they've gone as low as 500/.5. I've felt fine w/ this and have not been sick with anything (well, aside from the cancer...) over several years. In fact, early on, when they would come up low, I'd tell my doc "don't reduce my Ibrance, i'll get them back up". Mind you, with no rational plan in mind! But we've both come to trust that my body does A-OK between 500 and 1000. I've been on 125mg Ibrance for more than four years.
.6 and it wouldn’t rebound, so I’m on an extended break from Ibrance.
are you taking anything else instead?
I get the Faslodex every 4 weeks. It’s similar to Letrozole. Ibrance works differently.
I have been on Ibrance and Letrozole (now replaced Letrozole with Faslodex) and my neu have been under 1.00 the entire time - 12 months. I stay around .4 but have been .2 many times- that’s the lowest. I have a hemotology oncologist and he watches really closely . I have to be careful but haven’t had any infections. I get labs weekly if .3 or less and every other week if over .3. I was 125 Ibrance for 10 months then moved to 100... but my neu stYed low e en at lower dose. My WBC stays around 1.6