Ibrance Vacations? Thoughts?
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Ibrance low WBC

I have heard of Ibrance vacations but my dr thinks it is absurd and put me on another med. he said if it’s not working then I must change. I have heard of some drs stopping it the restarting it. One dr said that they are discussing it but have not brought it out but researching it. Take care-🌹
Hi AutumnLove!
My thoughts are....don't worry about the WBCs? Unless they're very, very low, I guess?
My WBCs, especially neutrophils, have been very low during the entire 7 years I've been on Ibrance.
Early on, my doc mentioned possibly reducing dosage (I'm on 125) or taking a break to bounce back. I didn't want to (although no science supports this, I believe more medicine/dosage is better...), so she let it ride...and has kept letting it ride all this time.
Nothing bad has happened....my ANC's average...700/.7? Every once in a while hit 1000/1. My actual WBC's/leukocytes (?) are generally 33% or so below the low end of okay, I don't recall the number, but I want to say I often see....1500?
And nothing bad has happened to me as a result...No infections, no colds, etc...
Now, this was def my stance pre-covid, and I've maintained it post covid, being fully vaxxed, etc, but I do want to be less dismissive in light of the more serious current threats to our health/life...
So take it for what it's worth, which is probably not a lot (!), but I've not sweated the blood counts in my pursuit of job #1 which is fighting cancer...
My best to you...,

Ty!😊❤ Awesome take and much appreciated!🙏🏼❤
I’ve had very low lwc times and some okay times. But I’ve been on it for 4 years, after having gone from 125 down to 100mgs. It’s worked very well for me, and A friend on mine on this site said, it’s great to stay on one line for as long as you possibly can if it’s okay for you. My onc is of the same opinion.
When I was diagnosed with MBC, the onc immediately put me on letrozole and then 3 or 4 mos. later, I requested ibrance as I had heard so much about it I just wanted to throw everything at the cancer I could and felt blessed that my insurance covered it. It wrecked my immune system, then after 4 short mos. started giving me chest pains, which to me was a clear indicator to stop. I am a Christian and I listen for His still small voice to guide me. Wrote all that to say it was the letrozole that walloped the cancer right off the bat and I should have just stuck with that, looking back that is. So I have heard of a letrozole vacation where you stop for 42 days, then go back on and for many it becomes effective again. I had also read a book about fighting MBC written by Anne Loeser, sending the link which you can read it for free, anyway ... she was on Letrozole only for some 20 years and still alive and kickin'. I quit letrozole for a while and tumor markers jumped back up so now back on it consistently and will let you know how my markers are on the next test in approx. 3 mos. if you remind me. If I quoted anything wrong forgive me, I haven't read her book in over 2 years, nor gone back over my own posts, I am too lazy to do that lol, sorry! Also, 4 years later, I feel good and often forget I am even diagnosed with it! Praise God and heal us all in Jesus name, amen xoxo!
sorry, forgot to include the link ... amazon.com/Insiders-Guide-M...
I’ve been on Ibrance since Dec 2021 so not long but recently bumped down to 100mg due to low neutrophils after I took an additional week off to get them back above 1. I was having some pretty intense GI side effects and severe fatigue on 125 as well so this lower dosage will hopefully be more sustainable. We do plan to take a cycle or 2 off this summer so I can have a better immune system for surgery and dental work. My doc seems to think any dosage 125 to 75 is equally effective. Good luck
it's a personal choice. started Ibrance 125 mg in August 2015. due to fatigue and other challenges, the dose was lowered to 100 mg, and then 75 mg by beginning of 2016. still on first line of treatment. scans indicated stable/NEAD in March 2016, and they have remained. this body's WBC runs at the low end of 'in range,' sometimes below. yet, it has never been neutropenia. further, the onc looks at the WBC as part of the big picture with blood work results. while taking Ibrance, this body can be affected by sinusitis, "chemo cold," and exacerbated allergies. thus, to allow the body to heal, Ibrance vacation(s).