Does ibrance affect your white blood cell count in the same way that kisqali does? Kisqali (ribociclib) depletes your neutrophils and therefore impacts your immune system.
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WBC count

It did mine a little bit, but then they went back to normal.
Update: WBC count dropped slightly again (2.8), but I think because I'm sleeping all day again & not eating when I used to. I just feel like I'm not getting enough sleep. I don't know if because Supervisor moved me to night shift cause they couldn't get all other door greeters to move to closing shift.
Hi, having been on both…I can say my WBC are slightly better with Ibrance. They used to drop to about 1500 on Kisqali at the end of week three, now they seem to not go below 2000/2500 on Ibrance. Are you going to change your meds too?
Hope your feeling well and your liver enzymes are dropping back down.
Best wishes Zoe xx
Hey ! Liver count down a little bit and we are going to lower the ribo dosage to 400mg. White cell count not too bad this cycle so that’s great. Back at over 1 on neutrophils (it has been lower) so that’s pleasing. Just had liver ultrasound and there’s a nodule there but the radiographer thinks it’s benign and normal (apparently v common) so waiting for another scan to confirm. Hope you’re doing ok …?
I had some lung nodules show up on my last CT scan, apparently they were also probably there before. I’m doing good thanks. Hope you respond better to the lower dose….it’s frustrating and very much a waiting game until the first treatment takes off. Hopefully within the next few months you’ll be settled into a program. It’s normal to take up to a year to get dosage and med type right…according to my onc.🤞 fingers crossed for you. xx Zoe.
I wouldn't worry about the lower dose. Many medicines work just as well. A study has been done at Phizer and they have discovered that Tamoxifen, for instance, works just as well at 5 mgs. Of course, check with your oncologist. And get a second opinion. It is very comforting to hear
Cheers, June S..
Hi Yes ibrance does ...l was checked last week blood tests ... white cells down .all the oncologist asked if l was eating...125mg...she never lowered the the pill too 100
Told me she feels the white cell count will go back up after the 7 day break ... l hope they do ..

Did your wbc go back up?
Yes, Ibrance can lower your white blood count as well as your red blood count. For me, my white count does not go that low, but my red count shows I am slightly anemic. If the white counts get too low, I believe that oncologists will lower the Ibrance dosage. There are many on this site who are on 75mg or 100mg of Ibrance instead of 125mg because of really low white counts or other issues.
I will find out May 13thWil be seeing oncologist
She seems to think they will.go back up...Pharmacy was more concerned then Doctor was on the meds ..on low white cells
Yes, Ibrance definitely messes with many of your blood components. My neutrophils have been all over the place from 2.5 down to 1.1. WBC and RBC always low. This is why you take for 3 weeks and off a week so you can recover somewhat. While on this med as well as Verzenio your immune system is compromised. I am surprised your Onc did not give you this info. Were you switched to Ibrance from Kisqali?
Letrozole and ibrance 125mg Nit having a problem with side effects as yet..except for w C
My neutrophils were affected by Ibrance so dose was lowered to 100mg. Only had one instance of them being too low since and they recovered the next day. One of the junior doctors I saw commented on low WBC but when I asked the chemo nurses they said they were more concerned if WBC is very high as that indicates infection. I will be asking about my full blood count when I go in next week because I'm trying to buy travel insurance and they are asking about this.
When l travel do l have te them l have cancer and why?⁷

If you are taking out travel insurance, they will insist on having your medical history so that they can tailor your policy to suit you and, unfortunately, increase the cost. If you don't tell them and just get regular travel insurance, if you are taken ill on holiday and then they find out you have cancer, they are likely to not pay out. If you are in the US and have health insurance, you could check if it covers you abroad I suppose.
I am in Canada 🇨🇦 looking to travel to the States to see family or Beach resort
I had to stop Ibrance due to dangerously low white counts.
I just started lower dose because of blood count to low also