I think I should be on a specific diet for MBC. There is a pharmacists that works with my dr that we can talk to but he said he would give me the dieticians number. In the meantime I thought I would do some research on line. I came across this web site on google “Hidden Dangers of the Foods Rich in Estrogen”. I was so surprised because I love cheese and I eat a lot of boiled eggs. I figured I should stay away from soy but surprised at some others. If you have anymore foods that have estrogens in them not in the article I would be interested in knowing about them. Thanks Linda
The Artist: I think I should be on a... - SHARE Metastatic ...
The Artist

Hi Linda,
Diet is important, but I don't think our oncologists really think so. I also took a long, hard look at my diet when I was diagnosed. I had two hospital pharmacists tell me to steer clear of soya products, which comes in many forms (soy sauce, soya protein, soya milk, soya lecithin, soybean oil, soya flour etc). I'm not sure about the actual soybeans though.
I changed from taking the chewable Adcal D3, as it contains soybean oil, to the tablets, which are fine. I also stopped eating flaxseeds, although I am not sure about that one. When I mentioned my concerns to my oncologist she was not convinced that there is a link between soya and fuelling the growth of ER+ breast cancer. But then she is not a dietitian or a nutritionist, and I felt more comfortable taking the advice of the pharmacists in this instance.
I like eggs too, but I don't eat them very often. When I buy them, I always buy free range eggs from a local farm. I eat organic chicken sometimes. I think we need to be careful of hormones and other additives that have entered into the food chain, so it's best to try to eat organic meat and poultry if you are a meat eater.
I'm not an expert in nutrition by any means. A lot of what I have mentioned is just what I have been told by the professionals or have read and researched for myself. I am seeing an oncology dietitian on Tuesday to find out more and I will post what she comes back with.
Sophie x

Please do pass on your added findings. I’m interested. Thanks for replying to this. Check out the web site on google I put on my findings. Thanks
Googled it
As you said we all know about soya and flax seeds but I was astonished to see nuts and dried fruits..I eat lots of these to help my digestion from taking opioid painkillers..can’t win
I think I’ll just avoid soya ..also that article wasn’t a medical research one
Barb xx
I was told at a Breast Cancer Haven group meeting by their nutritionist to just eat a balanced diet and aim for 80% healthy and 20% non. I have tried to stick to this as much as possible , and I am vegetarian (but eat dairy ) , and lots of nuts ! ... and it appears to have worked for me so far . To date I haven’t even taken any supplements . I’m a bit of a sceptic and would only reconsider my intake if I saw authentic medical research to prove it ! This is just me , but do what feels right for you ...
Go to nutritionfacts.org for evidence based research, information and trustworthy diet and nutrition advice. Dr McGreggor is excellent. I follow a whole foods plant based diet, no oil at home, perhaps a little eating out, low salt, no sugar, no dairy. MBC for 17 months, stable. Cruciferous vegetables, celery, mushrooms and walnuts all fight cancer.
Yes Dr McGregger is great!! I believe you will reap many benefits from your diet. Great for your stable MBC. I wish I had known this earlier but back then I wouldn’t have listened. I was so rebellious but being that way only hurt me. Well better late than never!!
Thanks. After my stage l cancer diagnosis l was a vegetarian at home but would eat standard American diet mostly when l went out. After MBC we got on the WFPB NO OIL salt or sugar and all that. I don't beat myself up over it but l wonder if l would have eaten differently sooner maybe l wouldn't have had the mets??? Anyway, nice to meet a like-minded Cat ♥️
Don't ditch eggs, eggs are almost 100% perfect ratio of fats to protein. Ditch eggs that are fed a diet that contains soy.
Ditch anything that's a "phytoestrogen"...soy, flax, Sesame seeds, oats, barley...
Ditch oils high in omega 6's like cottonseed, Soybean oil,Canola oil, Corn oil, Cottonseed oil, Sunflower oil, Peanut oil.
I could go on & on...
So, no to oatmeal?
Hi. What is wrong with eating oatmeal-? I eat organic oatmeal with chia seeds, vanilla veggie protein, organic blueberries and organic unsweetened shredded coconut. cinnamon, nutmeg and clove and made with filterd spring water.
Hi Malyssa,
I second the query about oatmeal! I eat organic oats most mornings too. I'm starting to think nothing is safe to eat! I'm seeing an oncology dietitian on Tuesday, so will post what she says after our meeting.
Sophie ❤
I read a low GI diet. Very little soy and no asparagus which surprised me.
Also stay away from sunflower products including the seeds.
Pumpkin, walnuts (omega3) and almond nuts are the best.
I changed my diet a month ago after meeting a woman named Deby Jizi. She has a blog debyjizi.com. She also has a very inexpensive book that will help you transition to a plant based diet. It is called The Whole Food Plant-Based Mindset. She told me to watch two documentaries on Netflix “Forks over Knives”and “What the Health.” ( there are no suffering animals in the films) just information about nutrition and Dr. Edelsten’s breakthrough China Study. The worse thing you can eat when you have cancer is to eat dairy. So after doing a lot of research on my own I switched to a plant based diet. No dairy, no meat, no sugar no seafood, no oil, no processed foods. It was difficult at first. Dairy was the most difficult to give up but there are plenty of foods that are very cheese like. I just figured if I wanted to live longer I couldn’t play around. I had to commit to starving the cancer cells. Everything I eat now is organic. It actually costs less than my food bill with all the “ bad foods” I used to eat. My protein comes from beans and tofu and there are so many great vegetables, I eat brown rice spaghetti with marinara, mushrooms and garlic and I can’t tell the difference from the regular spaghetti. There are so many recipes that you won’t miss the way you used to eat and you will be actively doing what you can about the cancer. I highly recommend the app called The Dirty Dozen. It names 12 of the most contaminated vegetables and the pesticides on them and for those vetables you should definitely go organic. It also names the clean 15 which are the vegetables which are less contaminated. I also very highly recommend the book called Radical Remission by Kelly A Turner. I can’t adequately express what an important book this is. I have Metastatic Breast Cancer in the pelvic and spinal bones. I take Letrozole. Thank God it is slow growing for now and I want to do anything I can to keep it that way. I hope my reply will help others who are mystified as to what to eat
Read the China Report and watch the documentary Knives over Forks which contains a lot of evidence based research. You have to be careful with some evidence based research that it is not paid by the research pharmaceutical industry, meat industry or dairy industry. The have been lying for many years. Kind of like what the tobacco industry did.
BuoyantCat - I'm right there with 'ya! It's a big book, The China Report, and yes, I agree that it's awful that funding comes from Pharma, not like us, the taxpayers....I went vegan post-diagnosis so I could die with a cleaner conscience, but do believe it has had health benefits. I know I FELT a lot better within weeks. My sister is doing remarkably well, and she's pescatarian.
Yesssssssssss : Sister/Warrior the (love) of money is the root of all evil. We have to always think one step ahead of devilish people/ industries. The S.A.D= Sad American Diet industry pays supposed experts to say what ever will keep more money in their bank accounts. Say your prayers (grace) over what you think is a researched healthy food diet . When I am really hungry I say Lord/God let what I/We ingest be nutritious to my/our bodies, and be tasty to my/our tongues Amen. Here's some great information: Two different nurses years ago told me every blood type has a specific diet that should be followed. Remember this a lion, or tiger will not chase down some leaves to eat, and a giraffe, or elephant won't chase down an animal to eat either, but we are all God's many different creations. Eating contrary to your blood type will go against your natural biochemistry. I eat, and live by a book called Blood type diet by Joseph Christiano. You must get the book that corresponds to your specific blood type. This book has 15 different breakfasts, lunches, and dinners each. You also have lists of all types of foods, seasoning, and drinks that are great for your blood type, a neutral list, and an avoid at all cost list. It works for me, my friends, and my family who have read it, and applied to their lives. Listen I cheat, and ingest a few of the things on the "always avoid list", one to three times a year. I love the Lord, but I really like a delicious fried Catfish from one of my favorite restaurants, a glass of Malaga wine, and yesssssssss N.Y. style cheese cake. Don't leave any of these aforementioned treats alone with me. I will take it down, and apologize to you later, and replace it if you will continue to see me as your friend. I am my sister, and brothers keeper! XoXoXo
I agree with you, I went plant based after diagnosis and I’m healthier than I have ever been. I have become a much better cook and my husband no longer has high blood pressure.
My sons have both been vegan for sometime so this has made our family much closer.
I also did it for the animals and the environment. I honestly believe it has made all the difference in my healing and not having some of the side effects and issues with ibrance and letrozole that others have had.
I think we all have to do what we feel works for us.
Who knows maybe it’s the chemicals they spray on our vegetables! 🤷♀️
Radical Remission was a great help to me. Also recommend Anti Cancer A New Way of Life by David Servan-Schreiber MD, PhD learned a lot about cancer’s weakness and creating an environment where cancer cannot thrive.
I didn’t mean to force my lifestyle on anyone. But I would feel negligent if I didn’t at least share my findings with every one.
I suggest if you love cheese, eat goat and sheep only. The only eat grass and do not feed on corn or soy and hormones
I’m glad it was helpful. With all the information out there...it’s hard to sort through it all.
I buy goat cheese too
What’s wrong with eating corn?