Hi , I am have been on Ibrace and Letrozole over a year now . A silly question but do you get itchy tummy ? My tummy is very itchy last couple of weeks , just wondering what it can be ? Many thanks
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Itchy tummy - Ibrace and Letrozole

Yes! My tummy and my back. I don’t moisturize either place. My tummy because I never think to, and my back because I can’t reach! I use Vitamin E oil on arms, legs, and feet, so I guess I’ll have to add my tummy to that regime.
I seem to be having drier skin than normal for our lovely Chicago winters. Dry brittle nails, too. I have drier skin on my legs than elsewhere, so I'm always sure to use a good skin cream there. Don't understand why one part would be drier than another, but oh well!
Try using skin so soft. Make sure it’s not hives as allergic reactions can just come on.
not on my stomach, but boy can my back get itchy. Hubby got me a Bear Paw telescoping back scratcher for Valentines day
I’m itching bad!!!! and have rashes on my upper body and head. I’ve been on Ibrance nearly 2 years and this just started happening the past few months. Im thinking my body has accumulated too much Ibrance.
Hi ladies/gents:
Here is my humble advice (sorry ling message!
For dry brittle nails & thinning hair I take Biotin daily & Caltrate (I think Vit C & D combo; I kinda forget it’s been bout 15 month on I/L combo)!
To apply lotion to your back saturate a facecloth or cotton 4x4 or lager gauze pads and attach to a Giant Spoon (ya know the ones that granny’s threatened kids with to get them to behave back in the day—“I’m gonna get the Spoon & wait til ur father gets gone was heard a lot in my family of 3 boys and myself!)
Or I guess you could use a spatula with saturated gauze. I haven’t googled it to see if there is a gizmo for that but universal thought says if I’m thinking of inventing one someone else is thinking it at same time-LOL).
Anyhoo; hope that helps!
I cannot sleep at all tonite due to “Scan-Xiety” next week & bloodwork then the 2 days waiting after the tests; why must we wait; we pay sooo much in way of anxiety. I’m on Ambien at bedtime and Ativan as needed; but cannot drive wen taking either. I’m still on Calif time after spending last month and half there (relocating this June when 18 yo son graduates (God-willing; severe senioritis and rebellious and pot experimenting behaviors all at once just like his 20 yo sister—hope he grows out of it like she did by College in September (though he was just accepted to Humbolt State & may accept offer (Humbolt is Marajuana capitol & also has huge # missing persons over many years—see, I guess it’s not only the scanxiety takingnocer.
OK, sorry to ramble; haven’t seen my hubby in 6 weeks due to our cross country opposite schedule travels (one of us stays in Boston with 18 yo & other stays with my 3 yo PUG & daughter then we switch cuz we don’t wanna leave either alone in houses!
I hope my rant wasn’t inappropriate—I shudda started my own thread I guess. Just wanted to offer my help on dry skin-itching/brittle nails issues!
Try to by Water pitcher Brittany has nice one with filter—& drink it entirely in one day; I forget how much we are supposed to have; but it’s critical & helps in many ways (tea does not count as it’s a dietetic as is soda & eat frozen not canned veggies or better still fresh! -only clear liquids). I also bought juicer and add ginger n turmeric which helps with letrozile joint pain/discomfort a bit; but not sure if it’s ok to use that supplement—juicing fun for ~ $50- @ Target prob on Amazon & defin at Kohl’s u can juice any veggie & fruit conbo; it counts as water too cuz there’s water added to veggies. Great online recipes and avocados are plentiful n delicious in California!
Ok for reals I’ll sign off now & promise next time I’ll start new thread. My code name shud be the rambler; it’s wat I do bear.
I miss my puppy/service doggie! It’s only been 2 nites/days without him; FACE-TIMED him 2nite—he was too cute
Where is Humbolt? I wish I lived in a place where weed is legal. It has helped many people with cancer, Have you seen the sacred plant docu-series? It is a real eyeopener. (Okay, I looked it up Humbolt, it's in CA. ) But maybe it's not that bad for your son? My grandson says he needs it for his anxiety attacks and he can't function without it. When they put him on Prozac he got suicidal and violent. He got of all drugs and just vapes weed when he feels he needs it and is holding down a good job now for over a year. it definitely has it's place. BTW I also have breast cancer discovered in Nov of 2014 , am 67.
I have very dry sin. Ths isn'tsometing new with Ibrance and Letrozole but it has got worse. My dermatologist said I would have to have a daily bath in E45 bath emollient. It definitely works - as it covers my whole body at once. I also have Dermovate for particularly itchy parts, on my legs and arms.
Thank you!
My skin is so dry sometimes. The hospital always ask me if I’ve had any skin changes. I just use olive cream. It seems to work fine. My scalp does itch at times but I know it’s the drugs. I take Letrozole, Pablociclib and have a Denosumab infusion once a month. Best wishes
Actually the itchiness is because of the toxins being released from you liver.
To clarify, itchiness in upper back and abdomen are from liver disfunction and its toxins.