Good morning. 🎀 Thank you for being an excellent support group. First time I write. In 2010 I had breast cancer Now in August 2018 there is a metastasis in the bone of the left hip. They do MRI, Pet Scan, Biopsy, Radiotherapy and treatment with Ibrance, Letrozole. Yesterday I get a second MRI result where the hip bone appears more deteriorated than before. Next Friday I will have a new scan. I'm scared. Has this happened to anyone??? The doctors say it can be an inflammatory process because of the treatment. I'm in the third cycle of Ibrance Thanks 🎀
Second MRI worse than the first - SHARE Metastatic ...
Second MRI worse than the first

Hi Maludagui. When the doctors are not sure it is so scary! Are they going to do a bone scan? Did the MRI show any improvement from Ibrance/Letrozole? Let's hope you get reassuring results from your new scan🙏🙏

Hi. I am not sure. The next Friday will be the pet scan.
I see!! The waiting is nerve wrecking. Keeping my fingers crossed for you. Please let us know what they say❤️
Scans continue to be the MOST terrifying thing we go through. The anxiety up to and around the scans is VERy difficult even when we feel like we are doing well. I am passing my second year of NED and I was a crazy person the past two weeks up to scans. Sometimes I wonder if they aren't more harmful than beneficial.
Wow how did you get NED? Where were your mets? X
left side pleural fluid and left lung cancer nodules. I strongly believe it was the Chinese medicine that I took while waiting for diagnosis before treatment that did totally diminish my fluid before I began cancer treatment. It boosted my immune system to treat my illness before I got battered with chemo drugs. Then a few months later, the nodules were all reduced and became scar tissue which is still currently where I remain with no spread. I was in remission with stage 3b for 20 years before that. Now, I try, with other things, to limit my stress which right now I am not doing a good job as I am planning and paying for my son's wedding in two weeks and I find myself very emotional. So, I can not wait until the day comes and passes so I can get back to being more focused on my healing--a 24/7 job as you all know!!
Today's pet scan showed a considerable decrease in the active cells in my hip. I must continue with Ibrance and Letrizole and repeat the pet scan in three months. I have to see a traumatologist to track the damage to my hip. Thank you very much for all the support that this group offers.
Hmmm.... the unknown is disturbing so it is understandable how you feel. The hip bone deterioration----maybe you are someone more prone to osteoporosis or porous bones. I know my first reaction is always to think it is the cancer or the meds when s something is wrong or acting up. It is hard to stay calm when we have this going on, but worrying and stressing weakens us. Viscious cycle. How can we not worry? You will have answers soon...never soon enough. Try to stay strong. Prayers are coming your way.
Hi Maludagui! My aunt may have to switch from Ibrance to something else.. I keep hearing almost everyone will have to get on another medication after so long.. I believe they are getting more and more advanced... I will never stop praying for all of you beautiful ladies!

Thank you