I’m thinking about getting my Port removed. I will be taking Faslodex but isn’t that injections? It’s very large and on my left side of my chest. I know some women that keep them forever. I know women that just keep them in if Chemo is needed again. I’m sure my oncologist will say keep it in..😞. Just wanted to know if anyone had one or still does. Thanks!
Port...: I’m thinking about getting my... - SHARE Metastatic ...

When I had my first cancer in 2011 I had a port. I wanted it out after chemo but my surgeon and my oncologist talked me into keeping it for 2 1/2 years. And then they took it out. I was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer to my lungs in October and went on Ibrance and Faslodex. Then in February the Ibrance stopped working so I had to have chemo. I had my port put back in. Mine is in my left chest also. I think mine is here to stay. I don’t think my oncologist will want it out due to the uncertainty of metastatic. I wish you luck.
I think I might keep it for a while. Had it put in last fall. It cost a lot to put it in plus very painful. I have a super port and you can really see it. I just have to wear tops that hide it. It doesn’t hurt or anything just ugly. But I guess that’s par for the course. Thanks for responding!
I have a superport now. I am not sure what the first one was called. My first one was put in just after I was sick and lost a bunch of weight. The surgeon didn’t anchor it down as he said normally your skin forms a little pocket to hold it in place. Well because of the weight loss my port kept flipping over and they had to do the surgery again and sew it in place. That one always bothered me and felt like it was rubbing the inside of my skin until it hurt and it stuck out even more than this one does.
I have a port also and will need it for the rest of my life; however, it constantly twists around and they have trouble getting the needle in right. I will probably need to go back to surgeon to have it repositioned.
I had a pic line in 2013. Had it out in 2014. Stage 4 July 2017. Dr wants me to get a port. I only have one vein where they can get blood. Even with Faslodex shots you will require regular blood work. Your choice. Probably depends on how your veins are. Also, I was on Ibrance, Faslodex and Xgeva. Didn't work for me. The cancer spread faster. So if something happens and you go back to chemo they would have to put another port in.
My veins are good right now. You need blood work with Faslodex? Wow I did not know that. I couldn’t take Xgeva. Ibrance was helping but killed my wbc and Neutrophils. Verzenio suppose to be easier on all that. Why didn’t it work if you don’t mind? I think you should consider the Verzenio, it might work. Good luck keep me posted.
I had a port in 2009 du ring treatment for my first cancer, it was later taken out. Cancer came back,I started ibrance and letrozole. I branch have failed . Exactly 2 weeks ago I put in a new power pac port, I'm going in for surgery this morning, in 2 hours time to remove them. Causing systemic infections. I also got a picc line pUT in 2 days ago. I got tiny disappearing veins.
I do folsadex and xgeva (with Ibrance and letrozole). No port. I’ve never had one actually. My first time around w stage 2, my oncotype was 26. It said 15% chance of recurrence. 13% if I did chemo. So, I didn’t do it then. It hasn’t come up yet this go around.
All the nurses in chemo told me to keep my port. One of my oncologists said I could have it taken out, the other said to wait. I ended up getting a tumor on my stomach muscle. So now I’m resigned to keeping it. I time the monthly port flushes an hour before my onc visit and it goes smoothly. I guess the port is easy enough to live with.