Hi just wondering if some days you have pain with bone meds and some days you don’t. Sorta strange
Pain: Hi just wondering if some days... - SHARE Metastatic ...

My pain is constant. It seems the faslodex shot has settled in my knee. I can barely lift my leg and my husband has to help me in bed. Also my jaws are hurting and I have to get an x-ray from my dentist before they will even consider another xgeva shot. Do the side effects never end. Sorry I used a reply to complain.
Where are your Mets?
Spine, front of hips and ribs. My hair is really coming out also.
Wow do you have thin hair anyways. I have a lot of hair so my dr says I won’t even notice any loss
No, my hair is not thin. On Ibrance it has become really dry and I'm losing it by the handfuls every time I comb or wash it. I take 10,000 mcg of biotin every day.
Last October 16 2016 I could not walk. Was so sick. The flasodex shot went to my knee to. It was staff in my right knee. I stayed 13 days in hospital. Had to have surgery on my knee. Had to put a Picc line in also. Then I had a huge knot come up on my butt were I was I getting the shit. They had to cut it open. Needless to say I don’t get that shot anymore. Please tell ur doctor and stay on top of it. I thought my knee was just the cancer.
I meant to say shot not the other word it says. Sorry
Sorry to hear about your pain. Unfortunately, it probably is not unusual. I tend to get tired a lot but that's pretty common. I wonder what our other folks do for the pain, I am sure there are different ways to help decrease it.
Hi Marianne 👋
I found that after several months when the tumors had shrunk due to the lack of food (hormones) to feed them, the pain eventually subsided in my spine and ribs. I have good days, bad days and mostly tolerable days 👍. I try not to complain and find the good in every day reminding myself that someone else’s day is far worse than mine.
Currently it is my off Ibrance week and I’m exhausted 💤. I had my standard 6 month bone scan today and will get those results this Wednesday when we meet with my oncologist. I am concerned that the doc is going to take me off femara/Letrozole because of all of the side effects I’m experiencing. My legs are kicking my A**!! For about 3 weeks it hurts to walk, sit, stand, sleep??Been diagnosed with myalgia now and am taking 3 gabapentin and some drug that treats fibermyalgia???
The nurse said he will probably want me to try another hormone blocker which scares me because the femara is working so well for the cancer.
OK-how was that for not complaining lol. Thanks for listening!!
BUT with all that said, I’ve been on this routine for 19 months now 👍 so my body is probably rebelling against it all.
Perhaps a change is treatment is s good thing
I've had some stiffness in my joints. I started taking curcumin in a capsule. Stiffness is about completely gone!
Yes, pain in my bones usually occurs when I get to the end of my 21 day period of Ibrance, and therefore my white blood cells drop. I feel very tired and in pain, it can sometimes last for a couple of days to maybe 4 decreasingas time goes by. I just take it very easy and ask my prayer group to support me extra those days. It really makes me keep my spirit up and feel very blessed! My husband and family always go the extra mile during this time specially. So blessed! I have had strong shots when pain is umbereable, which always helps me phisically for 2 or 3 days. Hope this is helpful to you, You just have to have a good and positive attitude as possible as it can be, and know that the meds are doing what they have to do in a bigger dosage than the pain does. God bless u and hang in there!
Yes. Pain that moves around is what I have always experienced. One day in my hip , next my shoulder. Just letting me know I'm still here
Yes mam I do. Some days the pain is so bad I can barley function. Then a day later it may not bother me. Very strange. Different areas hurt worse some days