Hi guys, never done this before but I just wanted to share an experience with the pill and see if anyone else has experienced the same as me.
So i started taking the pill at around 13/14 (I’m now 21) and i tried many different types, as I had very heavy and painful periods. I recently stopped taking it (July 2020) and ever since I stopped, I didn’t have a period for 3 months, then I had one (very light) and its now been another 3 months without one. I have had blood tests for pre-menopausal issues which were all negative, I also tested slightly low for Folate, and I’m going for a scan soon to check a variety of other things. But I’m just very scared and stressed as I want children one day and this has to be one of my biggest fears.. not being able to have them. So if anyone can shed some light on a similar situation or maybe some advice please let me know 💕