I hope this post is allowed. My 58 yo husband had a cardiac arrest just over 3 weeks ago and an ICD was fitted. Our annual family travel insurance is now due and the (UK) firm told us today that they will no long cover him for any pre existing conditions. Does anyone know of any companies that will provide cover for someone who has recently had an ICD? Thanks.
travel insurance : I hope this post is... - Sudden Cardiac Ar...
travel insurance

I'm so sorry to hear about your husband's recent traumatic event, but thank goodness he is still here with you. I also have an ICD and my travel insurance is with Staysure. I believe Allclear also provide cover for such pre-ecisting conditions too.
It may be that because your husband's cardiac arrest is so recent that insurers are reluctant to provide cover at the moment. My husband has had a heart attack, cardiac arrest, heart failure & has an ICD and hes always been able to get insurance. We used to use All Clear but we don't travel abroad now due to health issues.
I hope your husband is doing well & of course yourself, a cardiac arrest is so traumatic for everyone involved.
Thanks for getting back to me, I think you are probably right as one of the questions asked was when did he last have a cardiac arrest. We have no overseas trips planned until early summer so will try again then when a few months have elapsed. Really appreciate your reply and good wishes and hope you and your husband are also doing well.

Thank you for sharing your recent experiences with the members of the Forum. Have you visited the Arrhythmia Alliance website, you will discover a wealth of information relating to an ICD: heartrhythmalliance.org/aa/... including our patient educational series: Living with an... ICD: heartrhythmalliance.org/aa/...
You will also find a listing of Travel Insurance companies that will offer competitive rates, for details visit:heartrhythmalliance.org/aa/...
For any other enquiries, please contact our Patient Services Team: heartrhythmalliance.org/aa/...
Kind regards