Hi I had an incident this morning that I’m not sure whether or not was a heart attack. To start with I have been very ill recently and am extremely dehydrated and malnourished. I personally have not had issues with my heart but my father had two silent attacks and passed due to heart failure. It started as a dull pain directly where my heart is located at first I didn’t think anything of it but after about 20 minutes it had built to an excruciating pain. I was having difficulty breathing, pain in the center of my back, a rapid heart rate and sweating. The pain would subside and start as an ache again rapidly increasing to excruciating. It did this several times and went on for about five minutes. I tried looking on google but their symptoms are so vague it could have been a common cold. Could somebody enlighten me as to what this could have been
Help diagnose : Hi I had an incident... - Sudden Cardiac Ar...
Help diagnose

Ring 111 or make an urgent doctors appointment
Go to the doctors they will be able to do ecg and blood test to see if it was a heart attack
Go to hospital. Google is not the place fir this.
Are you mad? Get to A&E immediately.
It was a signal to immediately call 111 and get to the A&E. You may not be so lucky next time and end up dead while you're on Google or posting here.
I would get to a doctor a.s.a.p. the sweating is a big indicator along with the pain even if it is just a chill or somthing minor the doc. wont look badly at you for seeing him good luck
Would love to know how you got on?
You symptoms should be treated a a medical emdrgency. See a doctor urgently or dial 999. They can fix many problems if you take early action. Let us all know how you get on and good luck.
You go to hospital urgent it sounds like a heart attack don't wait go
How are you?