Since the Neupro patch is not yet back on the market in the US, I am considering purchasing it for a friend with PD in Germany on an upcoming trip. Does anybody know if I can do this legally?
Can I transport Neupro from Europe? - Restless Legs Syn...
Can I transport Neupro from Europe?

hi, im sure it back on the market in may or june this year, in USA, and its not advisable to transport it from here, as it needs to be put straight into the fridge
right, and I do not know how customs works as far as prescription meds. You DO have to have a prescription to get it in Germany or anywhere, right? And, Jean is right about the refrigeration. The form of neupro that will be out on July 1st of this year will not need to be refrigerated, so that is why they took it off the US market for 2 yrs, so they could reformulate it. Apparently, we are not smart enough to be able to keep our meds in the fridge in the US. lol Not really funny, because they took it away needlessly, in my opinion, for people who really could have been helped by it, since it bypasses the stomach.
So, it is only about 6 wks until it comes back on the market in the US, so I would wait.
Spoil sports! Niah & nightdancer, I appreciate your input & regretfully acknowledge you're probably right. I really wanted to help this guy. I am sure if you've been on it, you know that six weeks might as well be forever. Amazing that we don't have more US folks hospitalized for not refrigerating milk & meat, eh? Agreed that it was such needless torture for so many. Yes, they think we're stupid. How 'bout the "snowflake" business? I learned about crystallization in about 3rd grade. I used patches with >50% crystals and ones that were a year past expiration date. Still effective. Still a miracle. Mid-July in the US per my neuro. I have been so blessed being able to get it through a trial study, but mourn for those who are suffering without it.
Thanks again !
Cathy S.
p.s. nightdancer - eloquently descriptive name!!
Hi I am fairly sure its illegal to import drugs in the UK without a licence!?
Just a thought.
Bob M
Hysterically sad that there is so much illegal drug traffic happening and I only want to transport a LEGAL and incredibly helpful drug to somebody who desperately needs it. NO FAIR!!!
Thanks for the reality check. I don't think I'd do well in federal prison - particularly if I couldn't get Neupro!
Cathy S.
Well, we have been waiting for this long, so a few more wks is what people wil have to endure until it is back on the market. It is better than two years. :o)