Hi all, I've been very slowly tapering off Neupro for aroud 10 months and just a week ago I took my final dose which was a sixth of one miligram , down from 2 mg. I had been on the patch for around 5 years and augmented for many of those. With each reduction I have felt increased anxiety but I'm surprised that this is happening again having been on such a tiny dose before finishing, I was also only using the patch for 12 hours, at night. I'm disappointed to be experiencing these symptoms, any suggestions welcome. I can't use any of the other recommended rls meds due to severe side effects but I'm hoping to try iron again which did nothing before due I'm sure to bring overridden be dopamine agonist augmentation.
Neupro: Hi all, I've been very slowly... - Restless Legs Syn...

Congratulations for getting off Neupro! I know it wasn't easy. It is worst at the end but the withdrawal effects will gradually get better,
Earlier you said you were going to try pregabalin after you got off it. Have you started it and what side effects do you have and how long have you been on it. What about low dose opioids?
Hi Doped,See previous replies.
The worst withdrawal when you get severe RLS, constant leg jerks and no sleep and extreme anxiety, happens when you drop the last dose.
Out of interest, where are you and who prescribed Neupro patch and suggested you increase it?
Thanks Joolsg, I'm in Ireland and a Dublin neurologist prescribed the drug, it was increased after I complained of worsning symptoms which I thought was because the drug effect was wearing off, I literally explained augmentation to the neurologist even though I didn't know anything about it, clearly neither did he!
Unbelievable.Here in the UK- a law firm wants to bring a legal test case against a UK neurologist /GP for failure to warn about augmentation and then failure to follow the NICE cks guidance when augmentation has happened.
They will do so on a no win/no fee basis.
It seems to be the only way we will force these outdated, negligent doctors to learn about the dangers of dopamine agonists.
You may want to consider talking to an Irish lawyer to see if they would consider similar legal action??
I have wondered if there had ever been litigation regarding the dopamine agonists.
Thousands of cases.In the USA there were huge class actions & billion dollar settlements in around 2009-2014.
As a result, drug companies put warnings on all med leaflets about Impulse Control Disorder. They also put warnings about augmentation.
Here in the UK hundreds have successfully sued their GPs and neurologists for failure to warn about ICD. NHS Resolution settled out of court in most cases but there are many cases reported in the legal journals.
So far, no legal case has been brought in the UK for failure to warn of the high rates of Augmentation/failure to treat augmentation properly
But- a test case might be brought soon. Especially as the research and evidence is now more readily available and doctors have a duty to keep up to date on treatment.
Thanks Joolsg, quite honestly right now I wouldn't have the time or energy to take something like that on but perhaps it could be a consideration on down the line. I can barely keep my eyes open after 6pm when I begin my series of cat naps, I save a huge amount of money on my non existent social life! I will be having a phone consultation with the neurologist soon and will let him know my opinion, I'll ask why he missed the opportunity to take me off the drug at least three years ago when I was clearly augmenting!
I curious, why did you come off the patch? I’m doing great with it and my Dr wants to keep me on it. Finally something that actually works! Absolutely no breakthrough symptoms after dealing with RLS for nearly 20 years! So many sleepless nights . Good luck to you
Hello Ishmael, The patch ( and other Dopamine agonists ) work and then it stops working. You have to keep increasing your dose in order to get relief. Please read about augmentation on this website and read the hell that we have been through due to this drug. It is a horrible medication which I personally feel should be banned world wide. Sorry to be negative, but it’s true!
Because it made my symptoms even worse, more extreme, more areas and daytime as well as nighttime, bus and plane journeys were almost impossible
I understand all of this completely but if no opiods available and other meds don’t work what are we supposed to do?
Did you ever go to the Quality Control Center at Vanderbilt that I recommended to you. They will prescribe opioids.
Neupro didn't work that well for me, so I switched to Methadone. That worked perfectly but then I moved to a country where I can't get it. After going through hell for a while, I discovered that the carnivore diet got rid of my RLS. I'm extremely sensitive to nightshades and wheat.
Who after 15 years I’m also getting off the patch I was on 3mg I first cut it diagonally in half for 2 weeks then in 4 pieces today officially my first full day without patch I feel so happy knowing I’ve kicked the habit I hope it doesn’t act up again now I have to work on the 3mg ropinorole pill I’m going to wait two weeks before I tackle that task and probably cut it in pieces also I was told after getting of ropinorole I have to wait 30 days to use gadapetin I wouldn’t of been able to do this with the kind advice of all tho use beautiful members on this group
interesting. I didn’t realize about augmentation with Nuepro. I’ve taken Buprenorphine on & off for 20 years due to chronic pain. When I stopped the RLS was crazy bad. I learned that the Buprenorphine was treating my RLS so I went back on a small dose (1/4mg or less daily). I would like to get off of it again, but gabapentin does nothing for me and I’m afraid to take Mirapex.
Whatever you do do not touch Mirapex, it's another dopamine agonist and will also lead to augmentation. You are lucky to have found a treatment that you can tolerate and that works so well for you. Good luck 👍
As Doped said - do NOT go on Mirapex.
Good morning I’m finally off neutro but still on ropinorole at night I tried going cold turkey one night and almost went crazy what should I do next thank you
That's great that you are off the patch! As you know DAs are no longer the first-line treatment for RLS, gabapentin or pregabalin are.
First off check if you are on the slow release ropinirole. The slow release ones usually have ER or XL after their name. If so you need to switch to the regular ropinirole because the slow releases ones can't be cut if needed.
To come off ropinirole reduce by .25 mg every 2 weeks or so. You will have increased symptoms. You may need to reduce more slowly or with a smaller amount. Wait until the increased symptoms from each reduction has settled before going to the next one. You will suffer and may need a low dose opioid temporarily to help out with the symptoms especially as you near the end. Some have used kratom or cannabis temporarily to help. But in the long run, you will be glad you came off it.
On the gabapentin or pregabalin, the beginning dose is usually 300 mg gabapentin (75 mg pregabalin). (Pregabalin is more expensive than gabapentin in the US.) Start it 3 weeks before you are off ropinirole although it won't be fully effective until you are off it for several weeks and your withdrawal symptoms have settled. After that increase it by 100 mg (25 mg pregabalin) every couple of days until you find the dose that works for you.
Take it 1-2 hours before bedtime as the peak plasma level is 2 hours. If you need more than 600 mg take the extra 4 hours before bedtime as it is not as well absorbed above 600 mg. If you need more than 1200 mg, take the extra 6 hours before bedtime. (You don't need to divide the doses on pregabalin)
Most of the side effects will disappear after a few weeks and the few that don't will usually lessen. Those that remain are usually worth it for the elimination of the RLS symptoms. According to the Mayo Clinic Updated Algorithm on RLS: "Most RLS patients require 1200 to 1800 mg of gabapentin (200 to 300 mg of pregabalin)."
If you take magnesium even in a multivitamin, take it at least 3 hours before or after taking gabapentin (it is OK with pregabalin) as it will interfere with the absorption of gabapentin and if you take calcium or antacids don't take it within 2 hours for the same reason (not sure about pregabalin).
Did you ever have your ferritin tested?
If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
The Ropinorole I’m on is 3mg no ER or XL and I’ve never been tested for ferritin tested
You really should. This is the first thing a doctor should have done for RLS. Improving your ferritin to 100 or more helps 60% of people with RLS and in some cases completely eliminates their symptoms. When you see your doctor ask for a full iron panel. Stop taking any iron supplements including multivitamins that have iron in them 48 hours before the test, don't eat a heavy meat meal the night before, fast after midnight and have your test in the morning before 9 am if possible. When you get the results, ask for your ferritin and transferrin saturation (TSAT) numbers. You want your transferrin saturation to be over 20% but less than 45% and your ferritin to be at least 100. If they are not, post them here and we can give you some advice.