Having had RLS for over 60 years I’ve experienced different phases of the curse and I wonder if anyone else has had similar symptoms.
I have kept a pain diary for several years to document what’s happened but also I’ve been trying to find out why my RLS comes and goes - is it to do with air pressure/the weather, is it phases of the moon?
For the past year or so it has developed a cycle of three to four nights on followed by the same time off. How does my body know to time it that way?
It’s also not as bad as it used to be and is also linked to my sacroiliitis - when my sacroiliac joint hurts my RLS is bad. I believe my sacroiliac joint is misaligned.
I’m due to have injections into the joint and hip bursa soon so it will be interesting to see if this wipes out my RLS.
Does this ring a bell with anyone?