I HAVe been seeing a Neurologist at a Sleep Clinic at a majorCanadan University for a few years now and then he has been helpful and kind abut my RLS. AS you may recall my GP had me taking 6mg pramipexole per night. (please see previous posts.) I cold Turkeyd last JAN and have been mostly sick ever since.
At first he was fine with giving me opiates but all of a sudden changed his mind. (I have Sleep Apnea and COPD.)
At my last meeting with him HE suggested I take 2x 7.5 Zopiclone at bed time to calm my RLS AND Help me sleep. I was taking .5mg zopiclone at the time.
Well guess what?! IT did stop my RLS!
But now I am getting anxiety from the Zopiclone ( I assume?)any time after noon. And Only the Gods know if I will ever sleep again once I stop taking it?
I Have done the full panel blood test n my ferretin levels are good by standards set by this site.
I have some very deep misgivings about this man but he knows all the right names and is is part of International RLS committee with Docto B.
Any advice dear fellow sufferers?