Just thought i'd ask if anyone else out there has come off there DA's (Dopamine Agonists) cold turkey and what symptoms you had and for how long?
Reason for this is, I've been diagnosed with RLS and a REM sleep disorder (unable to get into repair sleep) , but to be quite honest I've always been under the impression I don't have RLS, I think most of the RLS symptoms are coming from a lack of quality of sleep i'm not getting? As when i do have a quality sleep (which doesn't happen a lot) my RLS symptoms disappear, so last Sunday 6 days ago after being on Ropinirole for 6 months I decided to stop my daily dose of 1mg as a test for this and just keep taking the sleeping tablets im prescribed (Zopiclone 7mg, 1 at night)
Obviously for the first few days I felt okay with no pain at all and slept okayish , but over the last few days I've had constant burning knee and leg pain, to combat this and also as a test I went Holland & Barrett and brought some Gentle Iron (Bisglycinate) , Calcium Citrate and Magnesium Chelated to see if these could relieve some of my pain, to which after taking the Gentle Iron low and behold my pain stops after about half an hour I feel the pain just being flushed away.
Any thoughts on this and your own situation are welcome, But please state your doses and how long you have been on them for.