Does anyone know if you can use buprenorphine if you have sleep apnea and use a cpap? I was taking mirapax and oxycodone. Went off mirapax. Took my last mirapax on 5/2. Ever since then I have had rls almost all night after going to bed til morning. I am now taking 4 oxycodone ( 5 mg each) spread throughout the day. Dr. feels that will keep the rls in check. It helps during the day, but as soon as i go to bed it is rls nonstop. It is a living nightmare. When i mentioned buprenorphine to my dr. she didn't think it was a good idea because of my sleep apnea. I see where it has helped many people. I need something that will help my rls at night. I am seeing my dr. on Tuesday. She might want me to take gabapentin. I really need to find the best medication for rls. This not sleeping every night is ruining my life. I am too exhausted during the day to do anything.. I have had to cancel appointments because I feel like crap. This can't go on. I was feeling better than this when I was taking the mirapax. Anyone have any suggestions for my appt. tomorrow. Thanks
buprenorphine for sleep apnea patients - Restless Legs Syn...
buprenorphine for sleep apnea patients

According to Dr Berkowski, Buprenorphine has the lowest rate of respiratory depression amongst opioids, so it should be safer for your sleep apnoea than Oxycontin. However, we all react differently to different meds and there have been cases of respiratory depression on Buprenorphine at higher doses and when combined with benzodiazepenes.You could ask for a 4 week trial.
In my opinion sleep deprivation is a more serious problem than the difference in respiratory rates between Buprenorphine and Oxycontin. Jools concept of trialing the Bupe seems sound to me.
I take that medication and have been CPAP machine for five years now but on that medication for three years, I’ve had no issues none.
I take Buprenorphine for RLS and also use a CPAP machine every night, and I have had no issues. I would be curious to know why your doc thinks that Buprenorphine would be an issue with sleep apnea, as it's my understanding that one of the advantages of Buprenorphine is that it doesn't carry the risk of respiratory depression that comes with other opioids, as Joolsg mentioned. Best of luck!
It sounds like your having a really tough time. I’ve had to add Kolonopine with my 10 mg of Oxycodone. Your Dr probably won’t do that. I also have severe PLMD, for which I take 20 mg at 4 pm, 20 mg at 8:30 pm and another 20 mg at 3:30 am. I also take Valerian root liquid extract at bedtime to help me sleep. I also put magnesium spray on both legs with support hose. Very important take Magnesium Glycinate around 4 pm. No simple carbs, no liquor. Basically no fun. But I’m able sleep most nights. Gabapentin did not work for me. Made it worse, like Ropeninole type meds. Good luck. Check Ferritin levels for low iron in your brain.
My laugh for the day "Basically no fun"
FYI: I forgot to tell you that with the “Oxycodone” you will need to take a Stool Softener. I use Magnesium Cirtrate for that, as you need the magnesium for your legs, as well is essential for overall health. Most people are deficient in magnesium and don’t know it! Also, I see in the Replies, the respondents are calling it Oxycotin. There’s a difference.
I, too, use a CPAP machine. l also take Buprenorphine and Naloxine 2/0.5 mg sublingual film. For nausea, my doctor has prescribed Ondansetron which I believe is generic for Zofran. I, too, wake up sometimes after about 1 to 2 hours sleep. I then take more Buprenorphine or Carbidopa Levodopa but no more than 3 per week. I am still adjusting my medication after being on 8mg of Ropinirole for years. I also take about 2100 mg of Gabapentin ( not all at one time) daily.
I’ve worn a CPAP mask for sleep apnea for 8 years and I’ve been on 0.8 ml sublingual tablets for the past 15 months. No problems.