I have been taking 1mL morphine sulphate and 150 mg pregabalin with regular relief (not perfect of course) of my PLMD. The last months I have had terrible stomach issues, very likely some kind of irritable bowel thing (I have dormant Crohn's--this is not a flare--no elevated inflammation) and I am seriously experimenting with the low FODMAP diet to see if I can turn this around. I believe that the morphine slowing down my digestive transit time could have been contributing to the problem and want to get off of it. (I have been on the morphine for almost a year.)
My question is: I have reduced to .8mL morphine very slowly but going down even a bit further has started the legs again, not surprisingly. I wonder about increasing the pregabalin sooner and then reducing the morphine.
Any thoughts? (If you look at my history, I thought mistakenly the pregabalin had stopped working a while ago, but I was fortunately wrong.)
Thanks in advance.