I stumbled on your post and sympathise greatly.
I have been suffering with long term chronic pain and was taking morphine for many years and pregabalin to help with the pain.
2 years ago I started getting some neurological problems and turns out I have temporal lesions causing chronic migrain numbness and confusion, the doctors pinned it all on the morphine and pregabalin and forced me to discontinue both medicines. I had to go through a medical rehabilitation which was tournament and agonising and has left some very mental scares and now I have chronic rls. They haven't offered any other medication to help me live with the chronic pain or the rls just anti epileptic drugs to control the migrain so the damage to my brain doesn't get worse. The morphine and pregabalin worked for me made my life a little more bareable now I have no help and just suffer my days away.
I really do sympathise it's a terrible thing for anyone in pain to go through. Xx