Wondering if any of you have tried the Inclined Bed Therapy (IBT) for the sleep apnea (and reflux, back pain etc- many targets). It has helped people especially with neurological issues or brain damage- like MS or post accidents. My husband has very resistant RLS with many trigger factors examined and natural regimes tried. The sleep apnea (with snoring that could be heard by passing walkers) and back pain are the two symptoms that have mostly responded to the IBT. Still apnea issues if too long on the back ( usually managed by the elbow of one's sleeping partner) but a recent all night sleep study showed it was no longer a significant issue overall.
His daily RLS symptoms are still recurrent and often severe but what has changed is that he does now eventually actually sleep. I felt the lack of sleep- more than any other however horrible symptom-was taking him to an early grave and decimating his mental function. Some days he will get up two and three times to walk around the block (the only method that temorarily stops the RL) before getting through that 'sleep gate'- and then he sleeps for the night. Occasionally he still resorts to Paracetemol or Codeine to induce sleep when the Sifrol isnt cutting it.
Here is link to the IBT resource:
Whether or not the theories are right, I have observed and experienced benefit from this method. Very important to make the adjustment slowly over months to find the sweet spot. I wish there was more conventional research on it as it it seems that it could be making a change to the way the brain clears its waste or manages repair.
Personally, I experienced greatly improved asthma (with less medication ) improved morning back pain and less bladder calls- just the 5.00 am dawn call- with the IBT. We have now used this system for over 5 years. We also notice that guests -sleeping in the raised guest bed-report with astonishment that they slept for the first time in years, or did not get up repeatedly for the toilet or awoke with no back pain and got up easily. Most of them would not have noticed the incline of the bed- so no placebo effect in what they report. Not the best idea to go straight into incline-but the guest bed is modest incline compared to our 'rocket bed'!
Would love to see a group here self select to try it over 12 months and note their changes- positive or otherwise. If it helps folk with illnesses like MS- just might do something for the RLS cohort.
No - I am not selling something or benefiting financially from sharing this info. Its available to anyone who cares to explore. Sleep- the great and irreplaceable healer. Best wishes.