I am still struggling with nausea despite buprenorphine success on RLS front. In my daily diary today I wrote:-
I took a total of 400mcg buprenorphine yesterday (100 in morning, 100 in evening and 200mcg at bedtime using tablet cutter. Nausea side effect still a problem.
I have stopped taking the ant nausea drug Zofran (which was not working) as it is a serotonin antagonist and there is a possibility that it is causing serotonin syndrome which means a lower serotonin in gut ie less serotonin metabolism which leads to nausea.
Overnight I had some nausea but seemed reduced although still feeling “rough” and breakfast was a forced effort and also I am very tired.
By noon I am feeling a bit better (will give lunch a miss though). i expect nause will clear by mid afternoon as usual
Bowels not really clearing despite taking 2 Senna tablets, 4 docusate tablets and daily dose of lactulose. Will take another lactulose dose later this afternoon and an extra Senna tonight
I will try to manage on 300mcg tonight (probably 100mcg late afternoon and 200mcg about 10pm)
I have stopped pregabalin (ie reduced from 25mg to zero) from last tonight
Still taking 2 iron bisglycinate tablets late evening with 100ml of orange juice and hopefully my ferritin is now over 100. (was 91 last month)
I would appreciate any comments from fellow buprenorphine users?