I have been excellently helped by several forum participants in my "escape from augmentation" and am now at a stage where I need to report my story and ask another question going forward:-
I would like to ask for comments on my current situation.
I am writing this note having been awoken by nausea at 4am and unable to sleep since then as a result.
It is 6 months since my last DA use and during that period I have tried several roads to achieve a steady meds situation. Most were dead ends but my present use of buprenorphine patches (5mcg/hr) supplemented by an occasional as needed 200mcg buprenorphine tablet has successfully blocked off RLS. Whilst this is wonderful I still cannot get a good night's rest because of the resultant nausea for which I have in vain tried Quells. Ginger, and finally Zofran.
Can anyone recommend any other anti-nausea drugs please?
When the nausea strikes I have to get up and walk around but even then it does not disappear completely and after say an early breakfast I have hot/cold sweats. The nausea seems to gradually subside as the morning progresses and by early afternoon I am free of RSL & nausea.
I seem to have only one route left open to me ad that is medical cannabis which i have to admit I am reluctant to start
I would appreciate any supportive comments