Can anyone recommend a neurologist knowledgeable in RLS in the Bristol/ Bath (England) area ?
I currently have a neurologist whom I rate quite highly but who cannot prescribe opioids as they are not on the formulary of the hospital where she practises. She has however asked my GP to prescribe Oxycodone and I have been on Targinact, and now Longtec , 3 times a day for a few weeks. It has been working well during daytime but does not cover my symptoms 24/7. I have discussed with my GP going onto Buprenorphine and she would be willing to prescribe it under the guidance of a neurologist. She has agreed to do some research and for me to do the same.
The two names I have found here are Dr Jose Thomas in Cardiff and Professor Walker in London, both of whom sound very good. Does anyone know of any other? Many thanks in advance .