The dangers of Kratom use: - Restless Legs Syn...
The dangers of Kratom use

Thanks for this.
Legality varies around the world, even within the US, and it's not legal here in the UK. Some people however import from the Netherlands.
I know that some RLS sufferers find that it helps them. Some may not have turned to it if it wasn't for 'the opioid crisis'. Care is needed!
Yes I saw that in the Washington Post. Most of the deaths were because people were taking other drugs with it. Or they got it from companies that sell products that contain kratom concentrates far more potent than they should be. Nevertheless one does need to be careful with it.
Very helpful and informative. Kratom can be very helpful during DA withdrawal but it definitely should be regulated and used sparingly.
I have always avoided kratom never been interested in trying it. Always scared me. Because of how meds affect me which are allowed, would be worried on how my body would react to it.
I used Kratom when I came off Pramipexole. It was a huge help. Nevertheless some very helpful information in that article. Care and moderation is needed.
Kratom saved my life while I was being crippled by my inability to sleep from RLS symptoms and until I was able to find a doctor who would prescribe me low-dose opioid therapy. The problem with movements to "regulate" this medicine is that they want to ban it or make it as inaccessible as opioids.
Twice the DEA tried to get its paws on this leaf, from a tree in the coffee family (NOT related to the poppy family), but twice that attempt was beaten back by users like me, who testified to the immense temporary help that kratom had provided when no other relief was available.
Certainly, RESPONSIBLE use of kratom is indicated, but the fact that SOME people use it irresponsibly should not deny its availability to the much greater population who do not.
Thanks for this. Good to know.