3rd attempt.. but only because I feel sooo strongly about the subject… I will not be doing it again any time soon unless I get helpful responses or alternatively get arrested…!😱
———————————Dear Dr. Davenport ,You kindly saw me today in order to help me with advice for my RLS for now and for the future.
I also asked you for general advice for my future treatment in case certain drugs are forbidden to be prescribed.
I particularly went to you as you are an eminent neurologist and head of the Association of British Neurologists and therefore your opinion would have ‘clout’ if I needed help in the future.
I also asked you about
1. please would you encourage inclusion of RLS in the RCP core curriculum ? And
2. Please ask for inclusion of iron therapy as first line treatment for RLS ?as both these questions are important for my personal RLS treatment journey too…
1.You agreed with me that RLS should be included in the core curriculum.—However it wasn’t completely clear as you said “it already is included” , though I cannot find it in the Royal College of Physicians core curriculum.
Or only if it is being ‘lumped together’ with movement disorders e.g. PLMD , periodic limb movements disorder. Of course, RLS is so much more than night time PLMD . There is an association, but RLS has at least 4 more other genetic associations, plus so much more than limb movements, which for most of us are just reaction to the discomfort, namely the torturous , sensory discomfort which can be DAY and night and continuous for many hours and causes desperation and suicidal thoughts in so many sufferers who have moderate and severe symptoms.
It is disingenuous at the least to flippantly say RLS is a movement disorder as we know it falls between classifications of Sleep disorder , Pain Disorder and Movement disorder.
To say it is ‘included’ in the written core curriculum simply by the one word movement disorder is blatantly unfair . I’m sure you will agree with this.
Interestingly RLS IS included BY NAME in the curriculum for the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health.So mentioning it by name in the adult, RCP version would be very helpful if indeed it isn’t genuinely there already……
2.You said that iron therapy IS first line treatment, which is fantastic but doesn’t seem to be backed up in the RCP, NICE or ABN guidance for treatment.
I’m not sure if you were meaning the algorithms mentioned below, or something different.These fortunately are clearly included in Dr. Jose Thomas’s Gps’ guidance as the‘Aneurin Bevan Healthcare algorithm for treating RLS in South Wales’.
My bottom line view is the following and I hope you would kindly write back to me and give me your view as to why this should or should not take place
:-Doctors please can we stop wasting time , money and suffering…
Yes, definitely try oral iron for those whose ferritin = < 50ug/L for 3 months or possibly a bit longer.
Use iron infusions first line for those whose ferritin is = or >75ug/L (plus other parameters are ok TSATs etc)
TIME because we will relatively quickly find out who are the 60% ‘iron responders’. If you are one, then great, get on with iron plus any adjunctive treatment that might be required if iron doesn’t remove symptoms completely .If the person is one of the 40% non-responders, then don’t waste time taking oral iron for years and years pointlessly.
MONEY… because iron infusions are are relatively cheap and safe, so other more expensive drugs may not be required constantly!
SUFFERING…because all these years of oral iron , other drugs. Dopamine Agonists and possible torturous augmentation caused by the DAs, are reduced and a more suitable treatment is found more quickly .Yes there will always be the person whose RLS is refractory to treatment but then the secondary care doctors can really use their expertise, brains, knowledge and hearts to work out how to help these people.
Anyway, I am much encouraged by your positive comments and it gives me confidence for my personal, future RLS management journey
I would really hope you would find the time and courtesy to respond to my very valid queries about RLS as I am a colleague who has 2 recent good publications about RLS.
If you are unable to help with the above, please let me know who I can contact to get the very necessary job done,
Thank you again for your help with this.
I shall forward my hopes and comments and your helpful responses to XXXXXX XXX a director of Education at the GMC, who is interested in putting forward RLS for the MLA map etc next year .
Kind regardsXXXXXXXXXXXXp.s. I have written to you 3 times before but received no response from you .
I am sure that this time my email will reach you so you will be able to write back,Thank you again